What a joke!!!!

I'm sorry if i offend any of you chicken lovers out there but i saw this movie a long time ago and i simply laughed at it with sheer disapointment..... I'm sorry but i did not like this movie. The animation was very nice but i just didnt like the plot or the story at all.

"Poor is the Pupil who cannot surpass his master" Da Vinci


and why was it so bad?




I KNOW..I hate american comedy I am moving to England as soon as I can!

Don't get mad, get everything!


espeically for a mostly British movie

What the hell is that supposed to mean?



Yes like Harry Potter and Casino Royale or His Dark Materials trilogy.

Oh and V for Vendetta and many other British written films.

Go and find out how many of the best Directors about are actually British.

Batman Begins anyone ? oh who was the annoying bint in that....Katie Holmes dragging down the rest of the excellent cast. Morgan Freeman being the only American star in it who didnt make an arse of himself.

It's far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion


i dont think he was really dissing brittish people's writing directing or acting ability. I think they are some of the best. But There really havn't been many great movies to come out by any major brittish studio.


V for Vendetta is not a british film. Its an American film written by Andy and Larry Wachowski who adapted the story from a British Graphic Novel written by Alan Moore. Unfortunately they threw out most of the plot which was relevent to the real world Britain, and turned into an anti Bush administration rant.


What the hell is so bad about it? I think its a really funny good movie with reallly funny characters. Its a cool movie!!!


This is a great movie...
How could you not like it?


it made me... hungry............
hehe... im having chicken tonight.... not really... beef

haha... gravity overpowered you
Go YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


its based on the great escape


And that was a great movie, too.

Count it, foo.

-Lazarus, Slayer of Rabid fan-slaves



yes but you could just say "claymation is rare."

claymation is short for clay animation and "clay animation" pretty much implies it's intended for entertainment.

if anything the for should be replaced with of, though. that's the most glaring mistake of them all.

why do you say?


WHATS NOT TO LIKE ABOUT "CHICKEN RUN" its funny and alll de other stuff. I think Babs is cool!!!!! so of course everyone has a opion (sorry ny little brother is writing) So i Guess its O.K! .

BYE BYE im off 2




I saw it when I was 8 and loved it!

I watched it the other day and even though its 5 years later I still loved it!

And now I think its cute cause I can understand some of the things a lot more now since I have learned about World War 2 and everything like that.

And chickens are awesome!


The story was kind of silly and I can understand why you might not have liked it. I thought it was OK, nothing more. The main thing that bothered me is that I would have liked them to have used more famous voices in the cast. Other than Mel Gibson, no household names were used as voices in this film.


They may not be famous in the US but some of the British voices were familiar. And I hate the spate of CGI/animations we've got now with famous voices. They think that by attaching Bruce Willis or someone similar to an animated animal they've got instant entertainment. Wrong. Chicken Run is a superb movie.


No famous names? You have GOT to be kidding me?

Have you checked IMDB and actually taken the time to SEE who some of these voices belong to? Sheeesh. The cast was phenomenal and they got a SLEW of extraodinary actors' voices to voice parts in this flick. I'm amazed at the number of famous people.

Take the time to investigate a little bit.

And just because Mel Gibson was the only American voice YOU recognized does NOT mean this film was not absolutely loaded with famous people!


Were you responding to my post or the one before mine? Which other Americans were in it?


Pedant note: Gibson isn't American - he's Australian.

"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense."
- Tom Clancy


Pedant note II - Gibson is American, but was raised in Australia - see trivia for Chicken Run


So... a British movie about British chickens on a British farm.... ought to have had more Americans in it?

Sigh. There's no hope for some people, is there? You reflect poorly on your nation.


Other than Mel Gibson, no household names were used as voices in this film

LOL. Maybe not for you, but most of the supporting cast are well known in this country. They are household names here.


You're entitled to your own opinion, but at least you can validate with an actual reason, as opposed to just saying "I just didn't like it".


Hey, British cinema has played a big part of cinematic history, I didn't particularly like the movie, I felt the Wallace and Gromit films were better, but it wasn't really bad or anything, it's a good typical family film, the same with a lot and it does well, more work probably got put into it than the majority of movies!

I just felt it was a bit typical, whereas I suppose movie lovers on here want something more original!

Anywho don't start slating Britain! we rock!


All the actors in this film are well known in Britain. Just because its a British film doesnt mean it HAS to have some well known faces for international viewing.

Its on BBC 1 now at the moment :P

