MovieChat Forums > Chicken Run (2000) Discussion > A few plot holes I noticed...

A few plot holes I noticed...

If the Tweedy's were so poor, how could they afford that pie machine? Even as a self-assembly version, an appliance like that must have cost, what, $60,000 in today's money?

How come Mr. Tweedy didn't know what the pie machine was? If he read the manual and put it together, then even if he was slow-witted, he must surely have discerned this.

Where did those baby chicks at the end come from? The only roosters present were Rocky and Fowler, and Rocky was Ginger's boyfriend, whilst Fowler was an old man.


I just wanna know where the wrench INSIDE THE MACHINE, that Ginger used to prop open the oven door came from?!?!

In regards to where the chicks came from...1) I don't recall any chicks 2) if you know how chicken reproduction works it's not like Rocky is cheating on Ginger lol he's just fertilizing eggs


I think it's possible that Mr. Tweedy left a wrench inside the machine because of his idiocy and ineptitude, don't you?


I bet Fowler could have coaxed some life out of the 'old sausage,' as Bunty calls him. After all, it's for the good of the unit!

- HOW kin I be so brainless, when I is so smart?


1. Bank loan. Mrs. Tweedy probably put together a reasonable statement to the bank showing how improved the business would be and the bank probably gave them a loan or a mortgage (second mortgage) or what-have-you. That makes the ending all the more disastrous for the villains. Mr. Tweedy's mechanical ineptitude will be blamed for the explosion, the insurance probably won't cover it, and the Tweedy's are out on their bottoms.

2. Mr. Tweedy is, indeed, that slow-witted. He probably flipped to the instructions and just started putting gears where it told him. Or, possibly, Mrs. Tweedy just read it out to him, dictated his putting the machine together. Either way, Mr. Tweedy never shows enough forethought to put two-and-two together. He'd miss that it was a pie machine for sure. Also, since Mr. Tweedy's idiocy is a character trait which in no way advances or suspends the plot, it's not really a plot hole.

3. The baby chicks were fathered by Rocky or Fowler. Depending on how chickenlike the chickens are supposed to be, they might be okay with open relationships. Plus, old men aren't necessarily infertile men. They can keep fathering children well into their autumn years. Additionally, they might have run into another rooster or two.
