MovieChat Forums > Being John Malkovich (1999) Discussion > what happens to the physical bodies?

what happens to the physical bodies?

While in the vessel, the body of the person entering the portal is temporarily in an unidentified location (another dimension?) for 15 minutes, until it reappears by the Jersey highway. The body is somehow transported from the 7 1/2 office to Jersey.
One could assume Craig's body was in this 'limbo' for 8 months, when he finally exits the Malkovich body, but what happens to the bodies of those who enter a vessel permanently - a) Craig, unwillingly trapped in Emily's mind, and b) Captain Morton when he entered Lester, and Lester and the older people when they enter Malkovich?
It would seem like they just 'disappear' from the 'real', physical world, vanish without a trace?


i guess they are left sustained for unlimited time in that portal dimension. afterall crags body after 8 months seems totaly unhurt by 8 months of hunger, so its fair to assume that bodies are not only hangign there but are also suspended, thus cannot rot or die. so therefore, there sohuld be a lot of old bodies lieing into that for all those permanent entrances from lester.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire


They get dropped into limbo where they remain until saito becomes an old man.



There's no such thing as Brown Brain Goo.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


"They get dropped into limbo where they remain until saito becomes an old man. "

I think you are confusing this movie with another one (Inception, perhaps?)

And I think that's "Saitō", "Saitou" or even "Saitoo", but not "Saito" and definitely not "saito".

(I would type the kanji here, but they don't work in imdb boards, which is a shame in this day and age)

In any case, use a capital S, because it is a name.

Still, I think your comment was relatively funny, and apart from your mistake, I am glad to have read it.


Way to kill a joke...






It's a movie. Pure fantasy.

Sometimes it's not worth questioning such things.

But we only believe what we experience as reality afterall. This relies upon trusting our brain's interpretation through our senses. Reality may be completely different and not exist anything like how we imagine it at all.

Perhaps their physical bodies were kicking back in The Matrix somewhere during that time. lol


Ohh, but Craig asks this, remember? When he's getting all pseudo-philosophical, he asks about the board that he dragged into Malkovich's head, and where did it go. But in the end, when he comes out for the last time, he's holding the board. I think it gets stuck inside the tunnel, which plays the part of some kind of wormhole until the user leaves the mind. Then it spits the material parts into the turnpike.
But that's just me.


Wrong film for questions like that. It's not like science fiction, more of a fantasy of ideas.


And this is why there aren't many good fantasy movies anymore. Audiences these days demand that every plot detail is logically and physically explainable. Suspension of disbelief seems to be a thing of the past, everything is taken literal. It's why i like 80's movies so much (i grew up in the 80's). So many wonderful movie classics came out back then that didn't make logical sense but were highly enjoyable.

Meh, see what you did? You made me look like a bitter old man. Thanks! ;)
