
is this film available on dvd yet?
i've been looking for it in local stores & i haven't found anything yet.
i still have my vhs copy, but it's getting a little worn & i'd love to see it remastered.
although even more, i'd love to see the special features.

sorry if this has already been asked, by the way.


Indeed it is available on dvd.
I know that you can purchase it
off of Amazon, and it is also
available online from Wal-Mart
and Target. I'm not sure if they
carry it in stores, but I'm
positive they carry it online.

I've loved this movie for sometime,
and am also looking forward to finally
buying in on dvd.


yes it is available on dvd i just got my copy today from columbia house


Holy sh*t. This can't go unmentioned. This guy down here bought Wild America from Columbia house in 2007. That's mind blowing. I figured they were bankrupt by 2007.
