MovieChat Forums > Wild America (1997) Discussion > Worst Fake Bear Suits Ever (Spoiler?)

Worst Fake Bear Suits Ever (Spoiler?)

Seriously. The cave scene was so messed up. The cuts of the guys surrounded by men in super lame bear suits what so incredibly laughable. Too bad it wasn't meant to be. Let's not even talk about the completely unrealistic snake attack and the stuffed moose. I guess they didn't have much left in the budget after hiring the sidekick guy from "Conan the Conqueror" and the "Home Improvement" kid and the antichrist guy from "The Stand". I didn't see the movie when it first came out (and not as a 12yr old girl, either), but it's a disappointment when I think of the quality of film that Marty Stouffer was able to capture in the wild. That's just one guy's opinion.


Yea that scene was funny. It looked like they put on bear rugs.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


weird i was a little kid when i saw this flick and didnt notice, now im gonna have to watch it again and see this

definetly thought this was the greatest movie ever when i first saw it, i wonder if ill still like it after so many years.


yeah, when i was little i absolutely LOVED this movie and never noticed the fake stuff. but i still enjoy it now (see it on tv sometimes). overall, its funny, light-hearted, and based on a true story...everyone can enjoy it


I too saw it when I was younger. Just watched it again yesterday, and ye a couple of the fake bears were reminiscent of the animatronic bears at Chuckey Cheese.


The 'moose' was actually a horse with a fake moose head over its own had. You'll notice it 'gallops' like a horse. The bears started out real, but once they started making all the 'angry bear' facial expressions, they were definately fake...and that snake! At least they could've made it move like a snake. That thing was as stiff as a branch!


Have to agree. The bear cave scene made me literally laugh out loud at how fake it was. Me I'm able to suspend my disbelief pretty easily but the bear cave scene was just too laughable. The 'moose' and 'snake' scene are almost as bad. They must have been on a tight budget or spent too much money trying to get JTT to be in it.

Aside from that, Wild America is not a bad movie at all. A good story to it and nice scenery. It reminds me somewhat of the film October Sky. Maybe if it were not for its 'fakeness' this film would have not been panned by critics as much as it was.


You can see the wires on the snake make it 'strike' and the bear suits were so bad, they looked like crappy halloween costumes. I still liked the movie though and watched a few times as a kid.


Well, I feel stupid. I'm 19 and just watched this film the other week and I didn't even notice all the fake bear suits and moose. I guess, I was too wrapped up in the story to notice.
Great film by the way, enjoyed it immensely!



I noticed how fake they were when I first saw the film when I was 10.


Seriously. The cave scene was so messed up. The cuts of the guys surrounded by men in super lame bear suits what so incredibly laughable.

It was so bad I was hoping it turned out to be a dream sequence but, no, it was supposed to be real. Why sure!

The must've spent the big bucks on Danny Glover's cameo and didn't have enough left over to properly do the bear cave sequence or the moose episode or the snake scene.

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