guilty pleasure!

I know this movie sucks hard, but I must admit I have watched this movie several times and never gotten tired of it. Very stupid indeed, but I always have a good time watching it. Donald Sutherland cyborg scenes scared the hell out of a me as a kid.

Overall, for me it's an enjoyable ride with some suspense, lots of cliches, a dreadful plot and mediocre acting. However, the fun factor never lets me down, one of these movies so bad they're good, a true guilty pleasure.



I saw it on cable yonks ago and can't remember disliking it, watched the DVD again last night and found it to be very fast paced and over the top, so I didn't even care how laughably ludicrous it is- and that I'd spent a few dollars to buy it- lol, good cast too. Guilty pleasure, indeed.

"The battle for the soul is fought in the forum of art."
