I was surprised that altough the posts about his movie are full of interesting details and intriguing reflections regarding the movie I haven´t seen any comments about the following:
- How Stone, amongst many other things of course, criticises the way the white man treated the amrican indians. It´s like they raped indian land, (Jake´s work is real state)just like Jake raped Grace´s mother and her child. Notice that Grce kills Jake with an indian axe. Then you have John Voigt´s character, the only one who could be considered close to "good" in the movie. He tells Bobby all abput how the white man massacred the indians.
- Hell. All right, this town seems a bit like an interesting version of hell. The people, how Bobby tries to drink but not very many times he can, how he is tortured time and time again by the situations, by the people in the town somehow. It gives the viewer much anxiety to watch him not being able to drink, to get out....and of course, the heat.