MovieChat Forums > U Turn (1997) Discussion > I want the song 'grace' - Can somebody m...

I want the song 'grace' - Can somebody mail it to me

I dont really want the entire soundtrack, just one song. If anybody has an mp3 file can they mail it to me at [email protected] ?

even monkeys fall from trees


just download it your self - - Music - and then type the name of the song and the singer/band. If you don't now how to find 'em you got the name of the band and song on IMDB or on Wiki ....

P.S - let me know if you've find it !!!


Hey Thanks - i actually got it ! After searching torrents and Limewire unsuccesfully, i never thought i would get this song.

You want it, let me know the mail to attach it to. There are 2 pieces of 118 kb, which is what i wanted, but there is also a 4500 kb piece which is the same song but slightly different.

even monkeys fall from trees


no thnx, i have it, but i just give you a "link" above cuz i thought it would be useful to you to download that song that you were looking for, anyway thnx and use that link above to download music, cuz it's free cuz so far i've found in there every song i wanted. and here you have some more links to download free music ;


That specific track is also on youtube. Just type in u turn soundtrack. There are two versions. I prefer the second because there is less female moaning.


heh email mp3 as attachment, feels like 1995 again
