MovieChat Forums > U Turn (1997) Discussion > Jennifer Lopez Topless Scene Cut From D...

Jennifer Lopez Topless Scene Cut From DVD?

I finally bought U-Turn on DVD last week.

Now I had a good copy taped off of CINEMAX several years ago that I put in SP on a T-160 Fuji. It has held through quite well all these years.

But I decided to grab the DVD when I saw it real cheap.

To my shock, the small snippet where we see Jennifer Lopez topless has been cut.

Does anyone know why this is?

Even if she wanted this out, well, I doubt she has the clout to get an Oliver Stone fim changed.

And I remember that she had a nude scene in Money Train. To my knowledge, that scene is still on that DVD.

So what gives?


Which scene are we referring to in U-Turn? I don't think it was cut out from the DVD version, unless I'm mistaken. It lasted only for a second anyway. Did you notice anything else that was different from your taped version?


Still included on the TV version. (In the UK, at least).


I've got the US dvd, copyright 1997--and the topless scene is present. It's near the end of the movie, right after they kill the sheriff.


Yeah, I rented that same U.S. DVD from '97 and we see her topless, briefly, in the montage towards the end.

"What I don't understand is how we're going to stay alive this winter."
