MovieChat Forums > U Turn (1997) Discussion > you know youre watching an oliver stone ...

you know youre watching an oliver stone film when....

-the film takes place, or was shot in either new mexico, arizona, or texas.
-a native american shows up at least once or in a cutaway shot.
-the story isnt anything too out of the ordinary, yet you are still creeped out or left with an eerie feeling
-there is at least one use of timelapse, black and white, cutaway shots, double exposure, or a wide angle lens
-the film was done in more mediums than you have fingers.
-there is music in parts that never have music in other movies
-there is at least one reference to a religion other than chrisitianity
-you feel sick
-you feel politically or socially motivated
-you feel generally uneasy about war
-you look at the dramatic side of human behavior, and dont nessicarily pay attention to detail
-you wonder how much better the movie would be if you experimented with different substances before you watched it.
-you feel the sudden need to post something about it on imdb.
this was just a joke. oliver stone is one of my favorite directors, i just wanted to poke a little fun at what i noticed and see if anyone else either agreed or had anything to add.


-you wonder how much better the movie would be if you experimented with different substances before you watched it

lol. this movie, especially. no offense to its devotees, but the editing job was trying waaay too hard, and the multitudes of cutaways did make me feel a little...i dont know, not dizzy, but maybe just bothered. i actually was thinking if it would be any better if i had "experimented with different substances".

"Life is a canvas. Throw as much paint on it as you can." -- Danny Kaye


oh experimenting with various substances and Oliver Stone movies is something of a hobby of mine ... the tough part is the pre-movie narrowing and debating of what substance (or combinations of substances and in what percentages, etc.) should be used for the first time viewing ... i mean you really only have the trailer and imdb ratings and comments to go on (i don't bother with movie critics since, well, i just don't think their evaluation of the film would be helpful in this very important decision) ... this one was a tough choice but i went with seconal aka reds or Secobarbital ... many Sean Penn performances seem to lend themselves well to reds for some reason ... even his directorial work on the amazing film "The Pledge" (Jack Nicholson and a brilliant cast of bit players) lent itself perfectly to seconal and Bombay Sapphire Gin (not too much if you want to make it thru the entire film and also wake up in the morning ... booze and seconal mixing is really best left to the experts kids so don't go thinking you can just guesstimate and get by ... you'll do a John Bohnam in no time) ...

but yep, heartily agree that substance choice with Stone movies is as important as the free refill giant bucket of popcorn comboed with the free refill 32 oz Mt Dew (for theatre viewing -- which of course is another factor to consider when choosing substances ... i'm just glad "The Doors" wasn't in 3-D ... well, at least not for the rest of the audience since it certainly was for me) :D

take care,

"One star in the sky
so I named it Otis Redding"
-- John Hiatt


- people can speak full sentences without moving their lips

"Feel pain; eat pudding"
- Conan O'Brien


Also "When you realize you could of directed the same movie shot by shot if you were high!"


Sure you could. Get high and go make millions then.
I agree some of the OP was funny though. But this film deviates from almost all his normal patterns story wise. I do not see it being socially or politically motivated at all, for instance...


-it says "directed by Oliver Stone" in the credits



theres usually a dead animal on the road somewhere (closeup included)

"I'd kiss you, but I just washed my hair"


You win




the main character in the film suffers hallucinations.



You forgot one: Stock footage


- after watching the movie you hate America more.


-you hear animals in the background, when it really dosent apply
-Super 8 to 35 to b/w
-Over exposed or solar flashes


...its rated R.

(with the exception of WTC, which in this humble narrators opinion, doesnt even count anyway)
