Without this movie Leonardo DiCaprio will be a B list actor
He would have been at max be a Edward norton kind of actor or Mark ruffalo.With this movie he was able to bank a lot of his career on the fame he gained.
shareHe would have been at max be a Edward norton kind of actor or Mark ruffalo.With this movie he was able to bank a lot of his career on the fame he gained.
shareHe teamed with DeNiro to deliver "This Boy's Life." There was no screwin' around in that production. They worked.
sharethose are small potatoes.The reason he was able to make aviator is only because of titanic.No one will spend 100 million or even gangs of newyork...on a good actor with some decent success.He needed this global star status to get them funded.
sharePerhaps, but, I wouldn't hit a dog in the ass with "Aviator" or that one where he spends the night keepin' warm in the horse's ass.
sharesid, regardless of "Titanic" he was always going to be delivered to us, like it OR not. Like Brando. We had nary choice.
sharei dont know what "he was always going to be delivered to us" means..but comparing him to brando is an insult to brando...there was no brando in any of his roles...he always disappeared...dicpario is someone who tries hard to be called brando.
shareWhat a silly thing to say. Even without this movie he'd still have had the talent in him so whos to say he wouldn't have gotten that big break in some other role?
You don't know any more than the rest of us.
He couldn’t get financing for aviator and Gangs of New York if not for Titanic. One of the reasons why Martin Scorsese cast DiCaprio in the lead for gangs of New York is because he needed hundred million dollars to make the movie. Even Stephen Spielberg wouldn’t cast him in catch me if you can if not for his fame due to titanic. Most of his current movies are Big budget because of the Fame and goodwill he has been collecting for decades which started with Titanic. Look I am not gonna take away his skill in building upon success of Titanic. But you would be foolish to think that without titanic all this is possible. Without titanic he would not be able to get incredible amount of money to finance his movies.
There's still a good chance he gets a big break at some other time so you can't just assume he'd never go beyond B list.
Actors like Leo with that kind of talent always give it 110% so he'd had definitely been noticed and given some sort of big chance at some point that I'm sure he'd have knocked out of the park.
okay i agree may be not b list..but his best career path would have been like russell crowe. Even though its hard to believe dicaprio without titanic ever starring in a movie that grossed 500 million.