MovieChat Forums > That Darn Cat (1997) Discussion > I thought this was pretty good...

I thought this was pretty good...

What's with the low average rating??? This is no masterpiece, but I've seen it twice now, and I think it's a pretty good film. Very underrated, in my opinion. A couple of scenes which are maybe a bit silly, but overall I quite enjoyed it... I give it a 7 out of 10.

Oh, and I'm a 28 year old guy. Go figure! :-)



Worst movie ever made? How many movies have you actually seen? Two? Maybe three? I could make you a page long list of FAR worse movies than this. Then again, judging by your highly intelligent post, I'd imagine those movies would probably fill your Top 10 list.

As for "who makes a movie about a cat that..." - well, apparantly plenty of people, since this movie has been made twice already.



I posted exactly one message about Legally Blonde. So yes, you're right. I'm obviously completely obsessed with it.

And you threw up during Harry Potter? Couldn't take Kenneth Branagh dressing up as a wizard, eh? I suppose that could be a bit of a shock. Or did it just scare you that much? (Hard to imagine, really.)

And what's a "butser"?





Ehh... just a short note: I stopped argueing with you two posts ago. But hey, whatever gets your rocks off.

And before you so kindly "do a favor" and stop making me look like "and idiot", perhaps you should check your spelling. I think that might "definaetly" be a good idea...



You're very welcome for the entertainment. ;-)

As for the spelling: I'm german, so forgive me if I occasionally make a minor spelling mistake (I found 44,700 references to "argueing" via a web search, by the way. So I guess I can't be the only one getting that one wrong. I'll try to remember the right way in future...)

And I was quoting JOTULfire on "and idiot" and "definaetly"... hence the quotation marks. Which other "many spelling mistakes" did I make??? I think I found two in total. As opposed to... well... about three dozen for my dueling partner here.

Good point about the number of votes -> low ratings in your earlier post, by the way. I kinda forgot to comment on that. Got swept away by you-know-who's drivel, I guess.

And I'm not mad. I'm never mad. (O.K., very rarely. I vaguely remember being pretty pissed at my brother back in '99...) I just like to have a little fun antagonising (which can be spelt with an "s" OR a "z") people who post garbage like that.





i don't think it's the greatest movie but it is very cute. i love anything of christinas though, she is so much fun to watch!

dried up, tied up, and dead to the world


Damned I just love Patti's attitude throughout the movie. It was cute and a bit scary too in a sense that she kind of manipulate people :D


I agree with the poster above. It's a kids movie, what are people expecting exactly?

Countdown 'till PotO DVD: It's out now. Buy it or die. That's aaaall I aaskk ooff youuu...


cute movie.


I just saw it tonight (on tv) and loved it. (That darn cat)


pretty good? more like purrrrrrrrrrfectty entertaining!

Golf clap? Golf clap.


If you'd seen the 1965 original you'd know why. I doubt if I could even try to imagine a worse remake of that than this. Patti's arrogant intolerance and hate of her town and relationships is sick, and grossly opposite to the 1965 version, not that that was itself an ideal.
