O'Fallon sucks widely
Found this movie in Wal'Mart for like 2 dollars. It proved to be worth every penny. It is nothing more than a 2bit 2 dollar commercial director who got some studio backing and players to appear in his cheezy "original" if you can call it that. Yes the players were good for the most part. I get the feeling, with different direction, even the likes of Sean Patrick Flannery could've acted ok. But when you listen to O'Fallon's commentary, it sounds about as intelligent or original as Jerry Bruckheimer on the Charlie Rose show; "Well Charlie, I just like movies. I'm just a regular guy." Walken's cool. Leary's 'Toaster' scene was badass. O'Fallon needs to go back to toothpaste and MTV. (He's the one behind that show Cupid)