Ummm.. Does that mean The Godfather was a copout for killing the five families? Max and Elyse, motives aside, WRONGED Charlie and he took his pound of flesh. This was him at his worst, but I think is the best ending. When I first saw it I thought the ending was more art house.
Honestly the let them go ending didn't work for me. Max was a guy who lied to and sold out his friends. The end serves to remind us, sure we laugh with/at Charlie throughout the movie, but he is not someone to be crossed. I think while Charlie may be disgusted by Avery's weakness he at least respected him trying to do anything to save his sister.. And the rest of the friends trying to help, even Brett who was the hard ass about it. I think Charlie respects them as stand up kind of guys. Max and Elyse on the other hand he made an example of.