MovieChat Forums > SubUrbia (1997) Discussion > Suburbia Petition to get on DVD

Suburbia Petition to get on DVD

Guys Pass this around the net and get as many people to sign as possible



its the only one on the net though i guess theres not much demand for the film


this is a great movie and needs to be made a dvd


get Better Off Dead in the IMDB top 250




I was just thinking... say the petition gets so many signatures... fans of this movie probably relate to it(at least somewhat). Who's going to send it somewhere?

"I will mangle your mind." - VG


You guys have gotta be kidding me this is by far the worst film i have EVER seen its absolutely TERRIBLE and has some of the WORST acting EVER


I caught this on BBC 1 last weekend and I became hoooked right into it, one of the most surprising movies I've ever seen, sure it's stuff I've seen before but I dug the hell out of it, shame there isn't much demand for a DVD.

"I am Yulaw, I'm nobody's b*tch, you are mine!"


im very surprised at how many people liked this movie. i myself have watched it about 6 - 10 times, whenever its on the cable movie channels i'll watch it. the characters really strike a chord with me.

but to my point, Good Burger was just awful, its on DVD? and sadly, i've seen it 3 times. now that i think about it, i'd rather watch good burger over Troy.

has nicky katt been in decent movies as of late? last time i saw him in a movie, he was a vampiric hitler in a play. something to that effect, its been awhile.

Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?


i signed the petition and i was number 4 hundred somthing.
i think that, since vhs is becoming more and more hard to find, pretty much all movies should be made into dvd. i know it's a tad more expensive, but they did it for cd's when the cassete tape era was over. it definitly shouldnt be this hard to get a movie onto dvd.


This is one of my favourite movie of all time.
I crave the DVD since the invention of it.

I signed the petition and I'd buy a copy for every member of my family and every friend. Should I sign it for them too?


I signed the petition!

"Who knows where thoughts come from? They just appear!" - Lucas, Empire Records


Maybe we should adertise this petition on other websites ? It is a shame this film is not on DVD.


the thing about stalin is that he can ski the k-12.


There are already two DVD versions of the real Suburbia, and I don't think anyone could really give a crap about this worthless peice!


Yah, sure thats why a number of people on this board care much more about this one. You are showing interest by bieng here :P


In Spain whe can see the movie in tv...but canĀ“t buy it in dvd. Its a shame.
