Pretentious drivel

One of those films that I supposed to be really deep but simply is inane. Irritating characters with no real merit. Wasted time.


I agree whole-heartedly.


I agree the characters are often dumb, but it captures the feel of Generation X and living in the suburban wasteland better than other movies of the genre like Slacker. That was the whole point - that their lives were empty. Bogosian and Linklatee knew what they were trying to convey. Just because you find it pretentious doesn't make it so. What do you mean? Give some evidence and examples.

Tim (Nicky Katt) is the dumbest of all. In one scene he buys a fifth of whiskey or something at the liquor store and proceeds to fill up a hip flask and throw the bottle in the street, breaking it. Why waste his tiny disability pension like that, instead of buy a smaller bottle? In another scene, when Jeff is talking about how people have it bad in the third world, Tim asks what does he know, has he ever been to the third world. Then he proceeds to describe how bad it is which Jeff just said. It's like he argues for no reason and tries to start sh#t, plays cruel tricks on his so-called friend, and walks around half-drunk all the time.
