Dina Meyer
It kills me how when this came out, everyone made such a big deal out of Denise Richards who absolutely annoyed the hell out of me in this movie. About how she was the “hot new thing” & how gorgeous & what a babe she was & Dina wasn’t even a thought in most people’s minds.
Had to put my friends straight, found myself saying “What movie did YOU watch? Are you men? Do you have two testicles that work? “
How could you sit through this & only have Denise Richards on your lips? Dina Meyer is second fiddle to nobody & you should see the movies where she’s really made up. Richards wasn’t really that big a deal in this.
Hey I saw some God awful movie the other day called “Tammy & the T-Rex” which I learned was her first starring role when she first started out & she was much prettier & sultry (due to the character she played) than in this.
So I never knew what the big deal was.