Dina Meyer

It kills me how when this came out, everyone made such a big deal out of Denise Richards who absolutely annoyed the hell out of me in this movie. About how she was the “hot new thing” & how gorgeous & what a babe she was & Dina wasn’t even a thought in most people’s minds.

Had to put my friends straight, found myself saying “What movie did YOU watch? Are you men? Do you have two testicles that work? “

How could you sit through this & only have Denise Richards on your lips? Dina Meyer is second fiddle to nobody & you should see the movies where she’s really made up. Richards wasn’t really that big a deal in this.

Hey I saw some God awful movie the other day called “Tammy & the T-Rex” which I learned was her first starring role when she first started out & she was much prettier & sultry (due to the character she played) than in this.
So I never knew what the big deal was.


She was Diz? If so, yeah, she made the movie. She added a whole dimension to the movie that made it more than what I just saw last night with the last Star Wars movie's idiocy. Richards was OK too, but he character was exactly what you said.


Dina was a much better character, and the men who I've watched the movie with much preferred her as there is the tent scene and the shower scene.


If either found their way into my bed, first I'd be shocked but also happy.


I've never seen ST (but I dig the Yes tune) and don't know Dina Meyer.
So I go to IMDb, dial up her page, and right next to her mug shot (very pretty) is a trailer for ST, with Richards way in the forefront, bigger than Meyer's picture. Damn that Eve Harrington !


Eve Harrington ... wow, there is a reference most people will not get. "All About Eve"
Amazing movie.


Yes, Dina Meyer is the highlight of the movie. She is so pretty, so much more than Denise Richards. Unfortunately she never got super popular, but if you can find the film "Lethal Seduction" watch it. She's like a modern day Mrs. Robinson, and unbelievably sexy.


Will do ozzy, thanks.


The way the main douchebag kept ignoring her hot ass annoyed the hell out of me.


I agree. She's beautiful and a great actress. She's awesome in the movie and yeah no question she's better than Denise


The only problem was her boobs were as perky in the shower scene. I thought she made the movie thought, she was terrific and I hated that she was killed by that damn bug! Grrrrr!


She let the air out of her cannons is the problem.

Also she died in the movie, well deserved.

Richards was better looking and smarter than her (in real life too).


Anyone who marries, and has a kid with Charlie Sheen is smarter than no one.


Dina is a very lovely woman.
