MovieChat Forums > Starship Troopers (1997) Discussion > 3rd Watch and the lack of a solar day

3rd Watch and the lack of a solar day

Carmen and Douchebag had "third watch" duty on their spaceship. It appeared everyone else was asleep.

Wouldn't an interstellar ship just divide its crew into halves or thirds in order to cover all times and permit people to sleep in shifts?

Is there some sort of nighttime simulator on the ship?

I couldn't believe when I read his filmography that he played a toilet (no joke) in According to Jim


I guess everyone else was just really sleepy? 


I can think of a few reasons you might want to simulate the hours/routines of an Earth day on a starship or space station. Maybe it's to ease the transition between shore leave and deployments (although I guess it would be no worse than flying across time zones)? Maybe they want everyone to sleep at the same time so everyone's sharp and rested when they go into battle?

Of course, the Federation military probably takes in recruits from all across the world and other colonies. And there's no telling at what time of the "day" a mission might come up. So none of that would make any real sense.

But not a lot of what the Federation does makes sense anyway, so...
