MovieChat Forums > Starship Troopers (1997) Discussion > Why couldn't they just send back a bigge...

Why couldn't they just send back a bigger meteor ??

If stoopid bugs can send a meteor big enough to obliterate a city ...

How come smart humans can't send a planet killer back at Klandethu ??

this is a major plot hole.

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
be kind, rewind...


Why don't they run them over by cars?


Now where's the sport in that?

They should have just sent a giant roach motel, or a giant can of Terro.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Probably because the bugs didn't send the meteor; the meteor was sent by TPTB to inspire more people to enlist and escalate the war.

The bugs didn't have ships; they couldn't send giant rocks through billions of miles of space and hit another rock like the Earth.

The whole thing was engineered by powerful humans who wanted war.


Yep, I feel that was spot on. Look how quickly they launched the attack after this was done.

My thought was they saw the bugs as some sort of threat when trying to colonize a new planet so they wanted to wipe them out. But there's always enough activists that are against it and will uprise or rebel if that occurs. Until you threaten their lives, which they did.


I understand false flags, but this was not one in the book.

The arachnids did it.


Pearl harbor or 9/11 anyone???


Are humans really the mindless bugs by launching a mass invasion to wipe out the other species instead of doing it effectively as you mentioned. was there valuable stuff on the planet (dilithium) that would have been destroyed with a planet killer. Could the humans not have just used their really fast ships (which travel far faster than an asteroid) on autopilot unmanned to impart much more kinetic energy than an asteroid? These are all great questions and totally ruin the movie and the take on society/the world the original book was trying to make.


If you sent a large enough object and the plasma bugs weren't massed enough to stop it from colliding with the planet, game over. The planet would catastrophically shatter killing ALL life form on it. It would then gravitationally REFORM from the larger objects of the collision that didn't achieve escape velocity. END of story. Go to Zagama Beach now, Johnny. Also Sky Marshal Dienes can keep his job everyone. 💃

Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded. Yogi Berra


It's not a plot hole... it's satire.

The meteorite didn't come from the bugs at all. There's no way they could do that from 2000 light years away.

It was a lie designed to get the soldiers to blindly go to war. As is said in the movie,

1. We are the race that's on the attack - the bugs are just defending their home territory.
2. The whole movie is designed as propaganda - that part at least should be obvious from all the propaganda mini-films that ST begins with, ends with, and is filled with between scenes.
3. People who want power (citizenship) in the society are taken care of by the rich + priveleged to sending them to their probable deaths in space.

Just like in real life, the Federation (or whatever - I just saw this movie for the first time) makes up handy lies to keep the common man in the palm of their hand, ready to do their bidding and angry at the "evil bugs", when in actuality the bugs are have been around longer, are more evolved, and aren't a threat to Earth at all. The humans are attacking the bugs' home planet, NOT the other way around.

The soldiers have, for the most part, been duped by those in control of the government.

As Denise Richards says in the science class in the film, "But humans invented space travel!", which should be a clue to everyone watching Starship Troopers that THE BUGS CANNOT TRAVEL through space.


It's a plothole, unless in the future everyone forgets the basic knowledge that the nearest solar system is more than 4 light years away and meteors travel less than the speed of light. I suppose it's possible, people think the stuff they get from the government is 'free' for example, however it seems quite a stretch.
