but what keyboard can it see!? and how is it reversed? wouldnt it just be like looking at a keyboard through glass? and the characters circling out from the middle seems a bit of a stretch!! why not assume they start left to right!?
Though it was Harry's own manifestation, they assumed the sphere was talking back using a keyboard, which makes sense because communication was happening via computer. The sphere reflected images, which inverts them to the sphere's "eyes". So they also assumed this to be true for the layout of a keyboard. The sphere was round, so it wouldn't make much sense for the keyboard to be its squared shape, and thus the assumption it was wrapped around (the sphere saw it in the shape of its own body). The shape plays a role in why they assumed center to spiral-out. Seeing as it's a sphere, left and right both have three directional possibilities. For example, with left, there's top left, center left, bottom left. The only true "start" in a sphere would be the center. The only real assumption would be what direction the numbers spiral out to (left or right). Although even then, one could simply think of a clock. Clockwise would be the obvious choice as something "counter" (as in counter-clockwise) is already going against the natural rule of thumb.
"No fate but what we make."