A 6.3 rating?

This movie is one of the best biopics out there and my favorite. It deserves a 10 in my book.



some people don't really feel the same way, thats why its not a 10 rating. perhaps many didnt need a movie to understand how amazing she was and still is.



Not a 10 but close to it.


I think racist whites gave this a 1, because they don't like successful Latinos, you know how they are, GO SELENA!

Go hard and show me that you really want me & maybe I'll give you the time of day...



In my opinion, for what it's worth, one should not rate a movie in a system like IMDB as compared to other films of the same genre (biopic, comedy, musical, drama etc). Sure, this is one of the best biopics of recent decades, but to give it a 10 just based on that is wrong.

The ratings here are for overall quality of the film, no matter what genre(s) it falls into. Is it a 10? Not even close. If it were, then, selecting another of this films' genre, Ghandi, has to get a 15. Is it a 6 or 6.3? Not even close.

I myself give this an 8, mostly because I feel it deserved more than a 7. I wish we could rate films here on the half-point. I would have given it a clear 7.5. I just do not think it's a solid 8, but to me a 7 was less fair, so I upped it to the 8.

Very good film, very good job done by most. I'm watching it right now, wondering what if...

My heart still goes out to her family and all that knew and loved her.
