MovieChat Forums > Selena (1997) Discussion > Selena's murderer found dead.

Selena's murderer found dead.

Yolanda Saldivar was found dead in her jail cell. She'd only served 20 years of her sentence. She had a history of kidney problems. Imho, she got off way too easy. She died 21 years too late! Good riddance, ya piece of $h!t. RIP, Selena...


She's not dead.

There is a man...he travels fast...he has purpose...he brings violence and destruction.


Wouldn't it have been all over the news? Just saying. LOL Of course I wouldn't be sad at all; heck that POS should've gotten the death penalty. 


It's infuriating how such a loser, low life could take out a rising star like Selena, but get to keep on living. So unfair.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


and to top it off we the taxpayers pay for all these animals to live there lives.. near $50,000 for each and every inmate!!! what a fuc * ing joke.. wellfare and inmates just a bunch of lazy bottom feeding bumbs living off of others.. strait up our society is garbage!!


The reason she wasn't was because the family didn't want the death penalty plus I'm guessing her suicide attempt afterwards also made them want to live with what she had done, and the death penalty would have likely been exactly what she wanted at the time. Plus with the life she lives in prison, I think she wishes she had of gotten it. They had to place her in solidarity because of inmates who were Selena fans trying to kill her so she spends like 23 hours in a cell and only gets visits 2 hours once a week, so she lives a very lonely life even in jail. I think she's getting the life she deserves and that death was too good for her! Sad thing is she's eligible for parole 10 years from now, I hope she doesn't get it!

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


If here is any justice in this world, she won't make it another 10 years.

"...inmates who were Selena fans trying to kill her..."

Something else she never thought about, aside from the fact that killing Selena was an act of consummate evil.
