What is your favorite scene?
My favorite scene is the Bidi Bidi Bom Bom scene.
shareHonestly,I just can't watch this movie anymore because I get so sad.My then 9 year old daughter and I used to dance around, singing the music and it made me so happy to see my little girl have so much fun. She was supposed to go to the Astrodome concert, but her ticket was given to another girl. She is still to this day crushed that she couldn't go. So very sad.
shareWhen the bus broke down
shareI have to say my favorite scene was the beginning concert because I was there. a friend and I went to that, it was awesome. I've been to many shows, and this felt like the real deal. music was loud, it really felt like we were watching Selena. it was shot in San Antonio, in the Alamodome. we stayed for around 6 hours. they rode JLO in that carriage at least 10 times. it was interesting to see how a movie gets made. during breaks in filming, comedian Paul Rodriguez told us jokes to keep us all entertained.
shareMy favorite scene is when after Chris gets kicked off the bus and Selena is crying on her mom's lap and Selena asked what was so different about her getting married because her mom got married young she says "I was the daughter of a poor farmer,I had no choice" in the most fake accent ever...LOL!