Except for the occasional f word this movie woould have probably been pg...If it was supposed to scary it failed.When Ellie and Ben(her dad)where found in bed together by Inger,she didn't say anything.The Ellie and her dad thing was sick(daughter and father?).Why would a upper class man fall into his daughter seductive wasy?And why would his daughter fall in love with him?I enjoyed watching the movie but didn't understand it.Sorry if I don't make since,I am only 12.
At 12, you may be a little young to grasp the movie's subtleties. The "Ellie and her dad thing" was supposed to come across as sick. But the movie isn't about seduction or love, it's about a father with a fatal flaw and a daughter willing to exploit his flaw to manipulate him. The fact that you admit you don't understand a movie whose themes include incest and blackmail argues fairly convincingly that the film certainly SHOULD be R-rated.
yes, the subtleties of this movie are going to be hard to grasp for a girl of twelve who is only two years younger than the female lead of this movie. Every girl loves her father but not every little girl gets an Electra complex. It's not a common occurence but I know that a lot of little girls (and little boys) dream of marrying their parent, before they know any better. I'm rather fond of this movie but I do think that some of the incestual tomes could be better set. But the 'R' rating is earned by the usage of profanity, the violence of death, and the illicit activities (blackmail, incest, drinking).
IF an "F" word is used more than once, then it's automatically Rated "R". The suggested sex and underage drinking is almost excess baggage. And the fact that you rarely see the murder weapon hit the victem is alright, But the blood spray obviously was to much to get a "PG-13" rating.
yeah i know, my friend told me that she THINKS Ellie had sex with her dad, but when I saw it, I didn't see them do it, or portray that they did. Their dad seemed way to nice and humble to do something like that, but anyway I dont recall him and his daughter having sex
You don't get the proof when they wake up. It is later, when Ellie is blackmailing her father with 'personal information'. In fact that scene made me think that it probably happened more then once.
This movie DEFINITELY be rated R. What I don't understand is how people can let their young children (such as the original poster on this thread) see films like this. Come on, folks, it's not rocket science; PG-13 means no one younger than 13 should see it, and R means no one under 17 should see it. People who let kids see movies they shouldn't are being lazy and selfish.
And, as far as how an "upper-class man" could do what he did, well, being rich and successful is NOT the same and being responsible and moral. Remember, at one point, Ellie called her dad "weak." He was, as well as over-sexed ... and lazy and selfish. People think that evil looks and acts differently than the rest of us ... but the whole point of this film is that it does not.
I'm sorry if this comes across a little strong, but I feel strongly.
Why are you being so judgemental, are you saying that if a child watches a R dvd then its the pearent fault. I think that is a stupid thing to say as pearents cant keep tabs on everything that their children watch and besides there is not anything in this film that would particularly damage children, as the 12 year old said its just sick, which is true. 'The gorey scenes' i admit may be a bit scary to little children, but i dont think they would even bother. i'm 16 and i watched it with my little brother who's 12 and he had no intrested in the story or how the plot developed what so ever, and the gorey scenes are few and far bettween, I live in England and over here Wicked is a 15 which means people 15 can watch it. Its not that gorey and completely not scary and kids wouldnt be that intrested in the plot anyways.
First off, its spelt Parents, not Pearent... Second, Theres nothing in this film that could damnage a 12 yr old????!!!!! LMFAO! OMG, A young pre teen, finding themselves in the world, exploring sexuality, and going through puberity should soooo not see this movie! The main character is a 14 yr old, it's not that far off, this kind of stuff happens, not that its a major popular thing, but you do read about it and hear about it in talk shows and what not. I would rather my 12 year old daughter watch A Nightmare On Elm Street, then this film, as good as it is... It's entirely not ment for someone that age, plus they don't have the maturity to understand it, but psychologicaly, it could enbed itself into a childs young mind, you never know, I'm not a shrink. And he wasn't saying anything about bad parents, just that certain kids shouldnt be watching certain movies. I was watching tons of R Rated horror movies as a kid, IT, nightmare on elm street, Friday the 13th, childs play, leprechaun, etc... It didnt mess with my head, sure it gave me nightmares but what kid doesnt get nightmares? I also knew that it was completly far fetch, like the monsters were only in a movie and werent gonna come chase me later. As for something like this, unless you are mature enough to understand the subtext of the film at a young age, you could easily embody the idea that something like that is natural, or push an abnormal craving that might be surfacing at a young age with the way you might be looking at one of your parents.
You know... You really don't come off as that intelligent when you criticize other people's spelling when you're obviously having some problems in that area yourself. To think of it, one should never attack someone's bad grammar. Some folks have disabilities such as dyslexia and although the person you attacked were british, there still are imdb users out there who don't have english as their native language. Hey, I'm bleeding Swedish, you know the chilly country in the north of Europe where packs of vicious polar bears roam the streets.
Sorry, I know this hasn't got anything to do with the movie but smgfan69 (and similar posters') lack of netiquette pisses me off.
If you can write in English, you should be willing to do it properly. There's nothing wrong with the opinion that bad spelling and grammar should be corrected. In fact, the idea that these things shouldn't be brought to a person's attention is the cause for the decline of intelligence on our planet.
This is extremely off topic, and I apologize for that, but I refuse to put up with someone expressing the opinion that we should allow ignorance to continue. There is nothing wrong with a person behaving in an intelligent manner. More people should do it.
There's not, but it is quite humorous to have it corrected by someone with abysmal grammar, crap spelling, bad syntax/sentence structure, and a lack of even the most basic ability to choose the correct words in some instances.
i was 10 when i first saw this movie. Iunderstood everything and it diden't bother me. When parents choose to let kids watch r rated movies, they think they are mature enough i was. But that 12 year old wasen't .
No, NC17 means no kids under 17. PG13 means it's recommended for people 13 and older & R means if you're under 17 you have to see it with a parent or guardian (unless you have a red card from that theater chain that allows parents to give their kids a card allowing them to see rated R movies unaccompanied). But considering you can watch it on HBO or stream it from Netflix its rating is kind of a moot point.
Imagine, me a little twelve year-old started this. Thanks for your input. When I first watched this, I didn't get why it was rated R, now I fully understand it (the incest, blackmail, language, etc.).
And just because I saw this movie when I was twelve, doesn't mean I have bad parents, that is far from the truth. The fact is, I woke up really early, they were asleep, and I needed something to do to wait for them to get up.
i saw this movie when i was 10 years old. i wan't shocked or permanently disturbed or anything. i understood what was going on and caught the subtelties. i still think it's a very good movie.
Mr. Nolan, it's for you. It's God. He says we should have girls at Welton