Stern best thing on RADIO - O+A pale unlistenable imitators
shareYep. I hate Opie and Anthony and their equally retarded little right-wing midget whatever he's called. The best thing I've heard from their show is when Jesse Ventura enrages that little torture condoning cünt.
shareNobody compares to Howard and they all know it. Anyone who isn't a fan has never actually listened with an open mind
shareStern is a lying, backstabbing piece of sh!t. And you are just another idiot. O&A were so much better than him and Stern knew it.
shareStern is a lying, backstabbing piece of sh!t. And you are just another idiot. O&A were so much better than him and Stern knew it.
lol I guess fiction is fun, so have fun with that. But in reality Opie is a lying backstabbing ass as well. And Stern is not better than O&A at their peak. lol
shareI think its just called the Anthony show lol. Opie was fired for arguing with a black woman, and being on scared and PC terrestrial radio. Howard jumped that sinking ship a decade ago for satellite radio where there is no FCC and can say whatever he wants n
shareTaking the side of any of these has-beens makes you look like a silly f aggot.