Should be shown on TV

This film should really have been shown on TV by now, at least in Britain. It is a serious, well-made and extremely well-acted film that at least provokes thought and discussion as much as it provokes shock and disgust. It is also 8 years old. How many other award winning, critically acclaimed films have not been shown on TV by the time they are 8 years old?

I know that the real reason it hasn't been shown is the extreme quantity of foul language, the c-word and possibly the drug abuse but in the last few years the TV companies have really been pushing at the boundaries anyway with potentially offensive material eg. showing JERRY SPRINGER: THE OPERA.

It could be shown late at night on BBC2 or C4 with warnings onscreen beforehand.

Come on BBC and Channel 4, surely the time has come eh? Come on BBC, scrap that old EASTENDERS cobblers and use the money to pay Gary Oldman for the rights to show his accomplished film.

Ludwig van Beethoven - Gustav Mahler - Joseph Campbell - Stanley Kubrick


im with you mate,it should be shon on tv,ch4 should show it late,its know worse than other films shown,and its based on fact....not like some of the rubish they put on...come ch4


very very true, it is an astonishingly well made film, they put on rubbish like gordan ramsey turning the air blue just to keep up his "nasty" image, so why can`t this be shown?


Very well said both of you. I agree.

Ludwig van Beethoven - Gustav Mahler - Joseph Campbell - Stanley Kubrick


It's on tonight.


yeh i watched it.
awesome performances.

We have front row seats to this theatre of mass destruction



Damn I fell asleep


Would have been rendered better if viewed without Motorola sponsorship interrupting the drug use and severe domestic violence.

"They're making a new film of Moses.It's not finished,but the baby looks great in the rushes"



It can have quite alot of impact if shown on TV, people could see plainly how alochol and poor lifestyles like this (which are common in england) are bad. Leads to drugs, violence etc etc.



