When technology really started making an appearance in our everyday lives, i.e. after 2002, things took a dive for the worst. Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone/Facebook/computer yet everyone seems to be suffering even more than people did 20 years ago. All this easy access to technology and social media means more problems.
Don't get me started on the youngsters today, who are all coming of age in a turbulent, looks orientated post-9/11, post war in Iraq, post Columbine world. It's tragic. Things really were better back when everything was simple and nobody knew how to send an email outside of a big business and you had to call people's home phone to talk to them.
This is a very heavy discussion to be having on a message board for a romantic comedy.
Even today, a hot day in Australia and school holidays, I saw mazerunner and the cinema was nearly empty. 20 years ago it would have been jammed. Technology means putting things out of business. I have a feeling this cinema won't last the next 10 years with all this illegal downloading.
Technology has put many music stores out of business, video stores, book stores, video arcades, etc.
If I could, I'd happily spend out my days doing a loop of the 80s/90s. I had all the technology I needed :)
Technology is great, but like all things, too much of something is only going to result in chaos.
Illegal downloading is one thing I cannot tolerate. It's destroying the entire industry.
What about things like online dating, i.e. Tinder? Call me old fashioned, but whatever happened to meeting people the good old way? At a club, party or restaurant? That's how I met my partner! At least then you already KNOW what they're like in person. Not to mention the thrill of waiting for their call. We may have so much at the click of button, but we've well and truly lost touch with the things that matter.
Illegal downloading is something I do, but I justify it for the following reasons:
1) all my video stores have shut down and I didn't used to buy things outright 2) online streaming is ridiculously expensive ($8 to watch a movie with buffering?) 3) I give back to the industry by seeing about 25 movies at the cinema per year.
I was gonna comment on that. Did the OP forget the second Bush administration (2001-2009)? 9/11, Iraq/Afghanistan Wars, and the economy tanking all happened on his watch.
After the fiasco of Bush Sr.'s presidency (i.e. Gulf War, early '90s recession), Clinton left us with a booming economy and surplus, which Bush Jr. quickly squandered so that we were back in a recession by 2003. Then the financial crisis happened in the last year of Dubya's second term.
If anything, it was Dubya who ended the peace and prosperity of the late '90s.
What's Obama got to do with any of this? How did he make the USA worse? Maybe he has struggled to restore the USA back to its glory days but you can hardly blame him for 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan and the global economic crash. In fact if people had listened to him at the time we could have avoided a few of those things.
He just represents a bad president. He will leave and Isis will have taken all of Syria and huge inroads into Iraq. It's vietnam all over again. When the north knew that Ford would not bring troops back even if they invaded, it was game over. They took the South. All those years of war were for nothing.
Obama saying no more ground troops meant ISIS said "yippie, let's invade."
Even if you never will send troops you don't say that publically. Obama never learned this valuable lesson of history... NEVER SHOW YOUR HAND!
You're right, but the US should never have gone into Iraq to begin with and Obama was caught in a tight place with millions of Americans calling him to bring back the troops for a war he voted against. Maybe Obama screwed-up as PODUS but if people listened to him back in 2003 ISIS wouldn't currently be taking over Iraq (and don't get me wrong, I was no lover of Saddam but he didn't represent half the threat ISIS pose to the region's stability).
It will be interesting to see if this Islamic State establishes itself as an actual state. Will anyone trade with them? Will they continue to execute people on the spot or will they establish the rule of judicial law?
"A few words here about following people. People know they're being followed when they turn around and see someone following them. They can't tell they're being followed if you get there first." - Daryl Zero
America's golden era was the 1950s-60s. Thriving middle class, booming economy, state-of-the art technology, best infrastructure in the world, best education in the world....beginning in the 1970s, corporations started sending jobs overseas, the middle class began to shrink. It was all down-hill from there.
How convenient that you forgot there were 8 years of a complete idiot as president. That's okay, I'll gladly remind you that from 2000 to 2008 we pretty much had the worst president ever.