made me cry!

aww... when the mouse is going to sleep in his little bed!

made me cry so much!

Proud Member of P.H.F.O.T.W (Paris Hilton Fans of the World


I love when he looks at the Hawaiian postcard and the music has a little Hawaiian riff that kicks in. There are so many cool little details like that in this movie... the director is great!


yeah it is a bit shan


Aww I know! I blame this movie for my love of mice, he was just SO cute in that moment, all snugly. And then those damn nails come in and interupt his sleep and destroy his home. I still buy humane mice traps to this day, and feed the caught mice until its time to let them go outside

I wondered why the Frisbee was getting bigger, and then it hit me.


After seeing this movie every mouse I caught at home in the trap was set free in an oil palm nearby lol...even my parents couldn't bear hurt the vermint.



Yeah its very cute. and that was when I felt sorry for the poor thing
