Lee Evans...

Being a fan of his stand-up routines, I was kinda expecting his character to be constantly hyperactive like in his shows.

There were some moments of his signature humor (The auction scene and the factory disaster for example), but he really established himself as an actor in some of the darker parts of the movie and it's great that he still made me laugh when he didn't get overly manic like in his shows for most of the movie.

I think he portrayed Lars really well and the fact he didn't go over the top with his signature humor is partially why the movie worked for me.

Who else agrees?


He did a flawless American accent, too.

"It's that kind of idiocy that I empathize with." ~David Bowie


BEST American accent by a British performer that I have ever heard! I just watched his standup for the first time and am in awe it's even the same person. So impressive.


Hugh Laurie as Dr. House is pretty good too.
And Jesse Spencer on Chicago Fire, impressive.
I started watching Chicago Fire before House and I didn't even know he was Australian until I started watching House....I was literally like "Whoa!"...........you feel me? Literally....."Whoa!"

Ok no, I didn't really say "Whoa!", but I was mildly surprised.

I am the Walrus - Goo Goo Ga'joob
