Question about a scene
Okay, has anyone here seen Home Alone 3? The dumbwaiter scene in this movie and the dumbwaiter scene in that movie are almost IDENTICLE. It's interesting because the 2 movies were released in the same year, but for those of you who have seen Home Alone 3, think about it. In Mousehunt, Catzilla goes into the dumbwaiter and the mouse chews the cable and it breaks. The cat looks at the camera with an "oh *beep* kinda look and then the dumbwaiter falls, the cat sort of "screaming" all the way down until it falls to the bottom and creates a cloud of dust as it crashes. Then we hear Catzilla meow in pain. In Home Alone 3, Alice gets into the dumbwaiter, looks at the camera like "oh *beep* falls screaming all the way down, hits the bottom, also creates a cloud of dust and goes "ouch." I swear, if you put the scenes side by side they're almost exactly the same. Any comments?