The first half makes no sense
Not sure how to write a topic on this one, since this movie is all over the place, but besides the obvious, I have so many questions..
Why does he say 'it's about an assassination', when it clearly isn't? It's about the MacGuffin.
Why would he flash 'J', when he's going to recruit him anyway? Wouldn't that be DETERIMENTAL to the recruitment, when 'J' can't even remember meeting him, or already having been convinced that E.T.s are a reality and so on? Is it just so the movie can make him be 'astonished' at the coffee pot reveal?
I mean, when 'J' is thinking whether he should join or not, wouldn't it be a bigger impact, more heavy load and more poignant for him to be able to remember ALL the things he did recently that proved to him about Extraterrestrial Visitors? But now he only has that 'coffee incident' in his mind, when he could have had the guy with eyelids and the other guy that can grow new heads as well..?
Why would the guy running away think 'he is coming' is a bigger thing than 'your world is coming to an end'?
Why would he be so scared, run so much, because he is so afraid of 'him', even though the world is coming to an end anyway, so why would any 'him' be scary compared to the whole world ending?
What exactly is he scared of, and why? What mission did he fail? He failed to get the MacGuffin? He failed to find the MacGuffin? He failed to rub out the individual that has the MacGuffin? Why can't he simply try, try again, until he succeeds? What parameters was he given, if he ended up failing so miserably, and why can 'him' find the MacGuffin so easily, if his minion can't?
I mean, why wouldn't he give the minion/servant/whatever the same ability/info he has so he can complete the mission just as easily (it IS shown to be remarkably easy, isn't it)?
It's so weird how the 'minion' is so panicky, and talks about 'him coming', and then only mentions the 'end of the world' as a sidenote, a bookmark, an insignifigant subtitle. What the..?
Also, if he's gonna off himself anyway, why even bother running away or... it just doesn't make sense, he has a weapon (that for some reason, integrates on contact with the ground?) he could use to just commit the act he commits anyway, so why even go through the whole 'running away from 'J''-theatrics?
Is it because 'movie reasons' again, because we need to see our 'hero' as strong, brave, athletic, capable, quick on his feet (with both meanings) and so on and so forth?
Why the FJORD would they keep that darn destructive ball in a place where it can super easily be accidentally touched? Why not keep it in a vault somewhere, locked in some titanium box where it can't get out no matter what? What are these people thinking?
How does the 'boss' know exactly how that thing is going to bounce, and thus knows to tilt his head ever-so-slightly, instead of taking cover, like someone without premonition skills would do?
The LAST suit you will ever wear? What? With all his knowledge, he should know about reincarnation. So there's that. Also, if he doesn't know about that stuff, then wouldn't he consider his body to be him (typical error of primitive people, compareble to flath Earth stuff - because you SEE a flat thing, it must be flat - because you SEE only the physical body, that must be all there is, etc..), and thus his funeral suit to be the last suit, instead of the MiB-suit?
Alternatively, do these people get their bodies buried in the suits?
What if the suit gets damaged or something, they don't get another one?
Think about how limiting it is to only be able to wear ONE suit for the rest of your life - what happens when that's in the laundry and you simply want to wear another suit? You can never cosplay? Why would this even be beneficial to the MiB? Isn't thsi only a job, shouldn't you have freedom to wear what the F ever you want to wear, suit or otherwise?
Anyway, this movie's story doesn't seem to make much sense in any case - for example, the people that have the MacGuffin, why won't they return it to the people threatening to destroy the world? Also, why do they even have it, what do they use it for, why is it called 'The Galaxy', etc.?
I haven't seen this movie for a long time, so maybe some of this was explained, but still. It's not a galaxy, it's basically a decorative, marble-like sphere that has a galaxy motif. Alternatively, it's one of the galaxies those 'big E.T.s' play some kind of game with in the end, but that would be an ENORMOUS thing, according to the camera zoom, so even this explanation doesn't make sense.
I have so many questions...