MovieChat Forums > Men in Black (1997) Discussion > Agent J's made-up name....

Agent J's made-up name....

Call me slow, but I just realized the comparison between his names made up by K.
First at Beatrice's house: Special Agent Black
Second in morgue: Dr. White

I'm watching it again and haven't really noticed it until now. lmfaoooo it's sooo funny
smh to the trolls on IMDB


that's why I keep maintaining K is actually the funnier guy... (the character, not the actor :-) )

<<K: 'No ma'am, we at the FBI do not have a sense of humor we're aware of.'>>


Tommy Lee Jones is a damn fine actor, wonderful particularly at the dead-pan "straight man" role. That's why he was selected for the Men in Black film, for one thing, as well as a few other roles (The Fugitive springs to mind as another role in which he displayed that dead-pan humor, but I don't know if he was actually selected for that reason, like he was here).


Sometimes You Plant Seeds For Trees You Never Sit Under


He knew that was an elevated train!

Alice in Wonderland - 2010 Best Art Direction and Best Costume Oscar Winner.

reply're slow. :)


My favorite K joke is "no m'am, we at the FBI do not have a sense of humor that we are aware of."


Live and learn. At least we lived.


I like the part when he's telling the joke "honey, this one's eating my popcorn!" Always cracks me up.

Listen! Do you smell something?
