Deja vu

So, when J and Dr. Weaver first meet, they each say they have a feeling of deja vu and feel like they've met before. I can't find anything on why this would be. Perhaps they'd met (or even dated) years ago and had witnessed some alien activity and gotten neurolized? Also, at one point, J calls her Laurel, but I don't think she'd ever told him her first name before that. So maybe those old memories are creeping through.
Just thought it was weird that no one else has mentioned these things (as far as I can find, anyway). Thoughts?


They first meet in the beginning of the movie after J chases down that alien and is in a witness room (or whatever there called). She comes in and tells him something about something being weird with the body, then she walks out and K blanks her memory. He later blanks J's.


Yup its from the beginning of the movie, they both get neuralized at different times after they meet. He knows her name in that later scene because its on her nametag on her lab coat...
