What happened to the cat?
What happened to Orion? Anyone have a DVD that tells?
Thank you!
This has puzzled me since I was little. I assumed Orion was killed by the Edgar, but others think he escaped. It may have been one of those things that was accidentally cut out in editing, or maybe Sonnenfeld simply didn't think to explain it.
shareThey were SO HUNGRY...
shareI'm just watching that scene in the morgue, it's really badly edited. Edgar picks up the cat and swings around, and you see him struggling with the cats collar. Then it cuts immediately to Edgar holding the Doctor hostage, with the the collar in his left hand.
You can presume he just drops the cat as the collar was his main purpose.
I just watched it last night and it looked to me like he wrenched the collar loose, which means the cat got away (and is probably still wandering around the morgue).
shareIt's been a while since I saw it but I thought the Cat jumped out the window and ran away.
When the Story Lady tells us about the naughty boy who blew up his goldfish.