The real "Men in Black"
This term was not coined by some goofy comic book writer.
In fact, Men In Black were becoming a very scary force around fifties, and their mission seemed to be scaring UFO witnesses and shutting them down, so they couldn't speak of their findings and what they saw.
They were _NOT_ good guys. They were not trying to 'protect Earth' or 'the people of Earth' or anything like that.
They were sinister entities, probably trained agents, who appeared in black cars (Galaxie Limousine according to one well-documented case - coincidence?), wore black clothes, and acted very threateningly.
I can try to translate the documented case I mentioned:
Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel, a pilot working for Mexican Airlines, was 23 years old in May third, 1975, when the UFO-incident happened. He was flying a Piper PA-24 airplane from Acapulco to Mexico City.
In the middle of the flight, Carlos suddenly noticed three grey discs, around 3.5 meters in diameter. Carlos was a bit venturesome, and decided to touch the nearest disc with the wing of his plane. As a consequence of this attempt, Carlos realized to his horror, that the plane didn't obey his control anymore. The plane didn't fall down to the ground, however, but continued its stable flight inbetween the discs.
Mexico City's air control radar also picked up these UFOs. The air traffic controller said that they flew in ways that no airplane can mimic. They made 270 degree turns with the speed of 830 kilometers per hour in less than five kilometers distance, when even the best airplanes need at least twelve kilometers or more for that kind of turn.
The air traffic controller had not seen anything like that during his seventeen year career. (Or his memory was wiped out.. ? (: )
This incident was widely reported in newspapers, as well.
Carlos was asked to do a television interview.
When Carlos was on his way to the TV studio in his car, two, black, new Galaxie Limousines started following him. Suddenly, the other car forced him off the road and to stop.
Four tall, broad-shouldered men in black (tm?) walked out from the cars. The men looked 'scandinavicly white'. One of the men leaned in and pushed Carlos's car door, so he couldn't escape, and said to him in demanding tone: "Look, boy - if you value you and your family's life, you will not speak of your observation again."
Carlos saw it best to obey, and canceled the TV-interview.
A couple of days later, Carlos told about this to Pedro Ferriz, a mexican UFO researcher. Ferriz contacted professor J. Allen Hynek (a famous guy in UFO circles, by the way), who was going to come to Mexico City to investigate the case.
The same morning that Carlos had agreed to meet Hynek, he visited his workplace at Mexican Airlines. When Carlos later arrived at Hynek's hotel, one of the M.I.B.s (what a dramatic acronym!) was waiting for him in the stairway.
"You were warned once already", the man in black (R?) said. "You are not permitted to talk about your experience."
To make his words have more impact, the man shoved Carlos. Carlos tried to explain that he wasn't planning on giving more information about the case. Hynek already knew about it, and it would have looked odd, if he had suddenly canceled the meeting.
"Look", the man continued, "I don't want you to cause problems for yourself. By the way, why did you leave your house at six this morning? Do you work for Mexican Airlines? Get out of here, and don't ever come back!"
Again, Carlos obeyed, and returned home. He didn't give any more statements about his UFO-experience.
Only a couple of years later he told the reason for his silence to the UFO researchers.
Carlos had thought the men had come from space. Besides the enormous size of the men, the blonde color of their hair and their black clothing, Carlos had also noticed they never blinked.
-------- TRANSLATION ENDS ---------------
Phew, this translating is hard work.
Anyway, so that's the documented case, where they are mentioned. Do they sound like wise-cracking black dude and a small hag in sunglasses, trying to protect humans of Earth from alien invasions?
This movie (and the comic before the movie) is just part of the WHITEWASHING and 'black is white, white is black'-Orwellian manipulation of the masses, so they would never realize the truth.
Imagine making people _CHEER_ for the evil force that tried to keep people from telling the world about their other-worldly experiences!
I mean, if you can make the masses think evil is normal, and cheer for the bad guys, and boo the good guys, you really have it made! And look at the world.. 'devil' mentioned in almost every movie and TV show imaginable, hellish symbolism is considered normal (just play WoW or some other MMORPG), the skulls&crossbones society's Nazi Death cult SS logo is considered perfectly normal thing to wear in your daily clothes and to decorate the children's pillows with (yes, I have seen this 'cartoony-version' of this logo on children's pillows). Playing a 'pirate' is just harmless fun for kids (get them while they're young, etc.), instead of glorifying brutal, bloodlusty, esoterically insane moloch-worshippers and child-sacrifiers (research 'Bohemian Grove' and 'Cremation of Care' ritual, with child/baby effigies that are burned)..
.. so, this is just part of all that. Whitewash that bad guys, and blackwash (if there is such a word) the good guys. And this has nothing to do with black or white people, I just use the existing words in their proper meanings.
It's a fun popcorn flick of course, but we should all know the sinister MOTIVE for making it (and the comic - but not as many people read comics).
Why did they make THIS comic into a movie, you can ask yourself, and not the dozens of better comics out there? Because it's all about whitewashing the MIB, so people would forget the REAL history of them.
The crazies in this board are probably plants to make anyone telling the truth look absolutely bonkers. I mean, does even a crazy individual ever appear THAT lunatic, as the ones who write about the real MIBs in this board?
Use your own thinking, and see the truth. That's all I can advice.