MovieChat Forums > Men in Black (1997) Discussion > Question about the entrance exams for MI...

Question about the entrance exams for MIB

This may have been asked loads before so sorry.

When Will Smith is doing his interview etc for the MIB job, is he actually passing the tests or is he being stupid.

What I mean to say is for example in the written exam, was the test to see how you would solve the problem of not being able to write properly on the paper and to take the innitiative to move the table over?

Also in the shooting range, was he right to shoot the girl as she was an alien in disguise (with the quantum physics books) or was it just target practice with the scary aliens.?
Maybe I'm being very stupid here, and reading too much into a fun scene


I always assumed that shooting Tiffany was the right call. When J is explaining why he did it, the physics books etc, Zed smiled as if he impressed with J's open mind and his ability to think outside the box so to speak. Thats always the impression I got.

with the table and the written exam, I guess you can have all the accolades and decorations you can get but not too many people have common sense.


Celtic fan?

So you reckon the same as me, as the real tests were to see whether you can think on your feet and outside the box etc?


Yea pretty much, I guess they needed to recruit someone with such an open mind.

I created that user name years ago when I used to go to Celtic games. Fell away from football a long time ago though, just never got around to changing it.


I always figured the idea of the Tiffany test was that you needed to shoot the aliens, and no one ever thought how strange it looks that she's carrying a quantum physics book - Jay was the first to realise how out of place that was, and hence impressed everyone with his unique approach to the test.

The written exam - I actually feel it wasn't meant to show whether they can solve the problem of not being able to write properly, but Jay again impressed them because instead of messing around with the egg-shaped chair, he found a quick solution to his problem, while others continued to struggle and accepted the bad conditions.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


Jay sure knew how to think outside the box just like Captain James Kirk did in his own way since he was the type to find a different alternative to a problem rather than just not doing anything aobut it.





I always thought that during the shooting gallery scene, Jay actually had a really good point in shooting Tiffany. I also believe that Agent Zed really liked his answer, until Jay got too defensive about it.

I think the test was more to see what would happen. I doubt they really cared about the test, but I'm sure it did something for them. They seemed more intent on initiative, and who would actually do something.

I always really liked those scenes but it seemed pointless since K was so biased towards J. What was the point, other then, maybe Zed was not as convinced?


I feel like J did the tests correctly. If you remember K's only complaint was "that he has a real problem with authority" ...he didn't complain that he couldn't shoot or failed the test.

Also if you remember, he tells the soldiers "You're everything we've come to expect from years of government training" which could be kinda a backhanded compliment/sarcastic dig about how they're just "Drones" who can't think outside the box.


With those shaped chairs I thought it was pretty obvious that the point of test was to see who would grab the table..


The written part of the test was a test inside a test. The pencils all broke. The paper was weak and would rip. But right in front of all of them was a table they could use to write on. All but Jay didn't see the table. Once Jay used the table, he passed the test.


I always thought it was a common sense test. Who would be the first to be able to fill the form out, not what your answers were. Also he asked the chap next to him if he wanted to use the table which shows he knows what teamwork is.


I always thought it was strange that J was trying to put the broken pieces of the pencil together. Strange.

The shooting might also have been a test of reasoning within a short period time. Also how could J have seen the titles of the books within all that chaos. A test to see how calm and well reasoning the applicants were.


That is one of my favorite part of Men In Black. I have to agree with the other posters they were testing J to see if he had common sense I think it was a common sense type test anyways. Its funny those other guys in the military uniform, lol I mean they military in the military you suppose to have some common sense. I'm in the military now and I guess there are some that don't use their common sense.


I think he passed the tests. The conventional soldier types did not. Some tests are not what they appear to be on the surface. The written test results probably did not matter - what mattered was how they coped with the strange egg-shaped seats, the weak paper, the pencils that kept breaking. As for the shooting, he was probably meant to shoot Tiffany, which showed he could detect a threat that was not obvious. Given that the aliens in MiB typically have human disguises and are not necessarily obvious alien monsters.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."
