If you look closely at the dvd cover at the bottom it says " a hip when harry met sally". now because this movie has a predominanltly african american cast it is now deemed "hip" and then decides to stomp on the feet of when harry met sally. What is not "hip" about when harry met sally?not enough black folk? this is racist and I really dislike the distributioner of this "hip" when harry met sally.
"2 scoops sir" "2 make it 3 Im not driving" -Home Alone 2-
LMAO Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard saying that this movie is " hip when harry met sally" is not by any means discrediting the movie when harry met sally its just saying its a black version of when harry met sally lol thats basically all its saying. and if "When Harry met sally" had a more diverse cast then it wouldve been compared to something else lol stupid ppl make racist remarks out of anything is it racist that we write on white paper ? or that night is associated with the word black? lol give me a break leave the race card alone!
I think you are making it out to be something its not ,a critic said a hip when harry met sally,so you figure the movie itself is racist???????????????? I Stand Accused!
I would call the "hip When Harry Met Sally" description ethnocentric. Trying to compare it to another movie when the film simply had no comparison at that time is to completely misunderstand the entire film and the circumstances surrounding its release.
What I don't like is the idea that the movie is just a copy of a white movie. That couldn't be further from the truth. If I hadn't seen Love Jones and someone described it as a "When Harry Met Sally" (WHMS) deal, I would be highly disappointed once I saw the film. It's nowhere near the same thing. WHMS is a romantic comedy. "Love Jones" is a drama. Even the characters are completely different people and not just in ethnicity.
I don't think we should be surprised, though. When the film was first released, the critics completely panned the movie and most of them were white critics whose comments seemed to have a common thread - namely, "What's the big deal? It's just another love story." What they didn't see, however, is that it was just another love story *for them*. Our community rarely had such beautiful love stories that were evolving in a backdrop other than poverty and violence. "Love Jones" was the genesis of films concentrating on our community's love between talented, gainfully employed educated black men and women. I don't expect most white people to understand that. Thus, a critic's trite, lacking, weak description of a rich and important film.
Yeah I have alot of trouble getting my white narrow minded attitude around the idea of a successful black male.thats exactly the way I think.pssh as a matter of fact thats the way all white males think you know us so well ..keep your iopinions to yourself A* hole
"Yeah well, the Jerk Store called, there running out of you!" - George Costanza
WHAT is racist about this movie??? Are you serious? Please give concrete examples - not referring to what is on the jacket of the movie or what critics have wrote. The MOVIE itself. I am anxious to read your response.
"Yeah I have alot of trouble getting my white narrow minded attitude around the idea of a successful black male.thats exactly the way I think.pssh as a matter of fact thats the way all white males think you know us so well ..keep your iopinions to yourself A* hole"
You might want to hone your reading comprehension skills, sweetheart. What I said you were having trouble "getting [your] white narrow minded attitude around" was that a love story of African-Americans without poverty and violence as a backdrop is what made this movie so unique and is what the white critics who panned the movie couldn't understand.
If you want people to keep their opinions to themselves, you might want to avoid public message boards or, even better, refrain from expressing your own. Especially when your post is based on a gross misunderstanding of what was clearly written in black and white.
"Hip" could also refer to the fact that the cast was youthful compared to Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal when Harry Met Sally was made. It may have nothing at all to do with race. That's your own interpretation. And, furthermore, if this is the most racist movie that you have ever seen, you must not watch many movies.
yeha well you know what else is good...watching rodney king get beat thats good entertainment...everyone who fed into this post is a freaking idiot and I won a bet because so many dip sh replied
"Yeah well, the Jerk Store called, they're running out of you!" - George Costanza
This moive isn't about race. There is nothing racist about it. It is nothing like when Harry met Sally except for the fact that they both take place in Chicago and New York. When Harry met Sally isn't hip in anyway, but the reason being doesn't have anything to do with race. Meg Ryan is America's sweetheart. She is cute and fun; she's the girl next door. She is not hip. At least not in that movie. A white person that I would consider hip would be Sarah Jessica Parker or someone along those lines. Someone edgier. A movie like Mr. & Mrs. Smith is one that I might consider hip. But When Harry met Sally is not hip.
The only thing racist is this post. Or maybe the fact that black folks can't do anything without it somehow being compared to something white people do. Especially when the two things have nothing in common.
Have you even seen this movie Justin? Why did you even pick it up in the first place? I'm not attacking you, I just want to know.
First, let's just disregard what the OP said, since it's downright ignorant.
I thought it curious that a critic referred to Love Jones as "a hip When Harry Met Sally", also. I love Love Jones. And I love When Harry Met Sally. And these two movies have absolutely nothing to do with each other. In both movies, two people fall in love with each other. That's it. You could say that about 50% of movies ever made. I think it was just a marketing ploy to get white people to buy the DVD.
Are you one of those people who finds racism in everything? "Oh my goodness, you're racist because you put BLACKberries on WHITE bread!" "The game of pool is racist!" "The 'Rocky' movies are racist because a White man beats the shyt out of 2 Black men in the series!", "Dentistry is racist because they call unhealthy-looking gums BLACK gums!"
Get over it already. Nothing about this movie nor the distributors is racist. To be honest, I thought they made the WHMS analogy to sort of encourage White people to see the movie, and nothing more than that.
your racist because you said that things cant be racist.you dirty racist...by the way ..I was kidding..Ive never even seen Love Jones..you sure do have a hard on for it ...you hard on..
"Yeah well, the Jerk Store called, they're running out of you!" - George Costanza