I would have left

When Nina wanted Darius to sleep on the couch after her trip to NY, I hoped he left.

In fact, I didn't understand a lot of the things that happened. I didn't understand why Darius had sex with another woman so fast, when Nina went to NY. I know she made him clear it wasn't that serious, but if he was that crazy on her, he shouldn't have done that.


aww you're so cute!

Okay, so it's clear that both of these characters were listening to their friends, and frontin' and playing games, and not being honest with each other about how they felt or what they really had.

The only reason why Nina went to NY was because her friend told her that if she told him she was leaving and he tripped she "had" him. So this was the game she played to see if he really liked her. He was of course frontin' too- thinkin' if she was going to leave and go to NY for some dude, then he must not mean much to her. So, to compensate for his hurt feelings, he slept with the next women he saw. I think she made him sleep on the couch because she knew he was seeing someone else (caught him walking down the street with the other girl whens he was in the bookstore) and she was protecting herself by not letting herself fall for him so fast again.


I like your take on things. You got the gist of the deal.

Nina was sassy in all the right ways but she should have toned it down.
She didn't need to be all that 24/7.


That was a temporary situatuon and you say you would have left after seeing the whole movie? That's sad. Would you have left still if you knew it couldve negatively affected the ending where you get your soul mate back? I believe if your heart is attached you do things like that. Darius did exactly what she wanted him to. She wanted to show she held the power and put him on the couch but she was "burning up" and wide awake wanting him to come up stairs. They had a draw to each other. They couldnt fight it. When someone has that much power over you, you would like to think you still have self control lol but you don't. Love wins
