How did you like the love story? CONTAINS SPOILERS
I like this film a lot. The cast, the music, the look and feel of it, etc... However, I thought the "love story" aspect of it was a little lacking.
- Nina and Darius are attracted to each other right off and start a lust thing.
- They're falling in love, but neither wants to admit it to the other.
- Nina has trust issues with Darius because she saw him with another girl and he gets calls in the middle of the night.
- Darius is determined to show no vulnerability, due to pride and fear, which ultimately pushes Nina away, and they break up.
- A year passes, and both realized that they had found love and let it go, and life's too short for that.
OK. A solid, simple love story. But not very satisfying as love stories go, IMO. Still a very enjoyable movie, though.
BTW, this leads me to a question: If Nina had not come back to Chicago for a photo shoot, wouldn't they have continued to let pride get in their way?
"This is war, Peacock!!"