I don't think this was suppose to be obvious... but after seeing some of the stupid comments on these threads,, I had to post this..
did anyone else realize/think, that Kevin Kline was Elijah Wood's real father..
the reason I believe this to be true.. is A - When his alleged father says something like "He must take after me" or whatever,, Sigourney Weaver's face was not obvious, but looked very guilty. sort of a,,, 'well that's a weird thing to say, seeing as though our neighbour is really his father'..
and B - there's a question to many of why it took him until the morning to get his body home... I think it's because in his death, Kline may have realized that this could be his child... and it hit him harder than one might expect.
Yes, t-mac is of course right. There are many clues. First though, to the person that said the affair b/t Sigourney Weaver and Kline was recent--there's nothing to suggest that in the movie. Sigourney said at one point, something to the effect of, 'a couple of encounters donesn't mean..'--that doesn't mean they didn't sleep together 15 years prior to the current affair.
-most obvious is, as tmac pointed out, sigourney's reaction when her husband remarked that Mikey must be like him.
-the father being disgusted by Ricci and Wood fooling around. he even says on the walk home that he doesn't really care that much, but he's not right for her (yes, he's also thinking about his own relationship with Signourney..)
-Sigourney is not bothered much about Ricci fooling around with her very young son in the bathroom, but she's clearly uncomfortable about the possibility of Wood and Ricci spending time together (basement scene-'don't you two have homework to do?" This is a flakey, absent mother whose character would not normally be concerned about homework, etc.
-the fact that kevin kline carried Wood home at all--night/day/length of time of the walk is not an issue-he could have made his way to a house to call an ambulance, drove the kid in the car, etc. the point here is, he didn't want to let go of him at all-he was finally accepting the fact that this is his son and he'll never get to spend time with him.
-Tobi and Wood are very "deep" in terms of the way they think so philosophically (for teens)--Tobi-his take on the Fantastic Four, Wood's obsession with molecules, etc. We also observed how both of their characters managed to alienate their peers with their "odd" way of thinking at times.
-Ricci's failure to be truly attracted to Wood..it was almost instinct..she definitely didn't know (and neither did he), but something wasn't right about having the sexual relationship.
-Kline is not only resentful of Sigourney's husband because he "has" her, but is also raising his son.
I don't think Kline was positive that he was the father of Wood until the end. Not only did he cry when he was looking at Tobi becasue he was so glad that HIS son was alive and well, he also saw Wood's face in Tobi's..the hairdo has nothing to do with it..yello--the blue, blue eyes, fair skin, etc.
I can't really get on board with the theory that Kevin Kline's character was Mikey's father. I think it's a possibility that Jim isn't the real father, but nothing in the movie really suggested to me that it was Ben's son.
People mention Sigourney's face when her husband said something about Mike getting a trait from him. I don't think it was her making a look because it's not her son. The trait he described isn't really one to be proud of, and the other posters comment that it's a look of disgust makes sense to me.
Also, throughout the movie it seems pretty apparent to me that the affair is very recent and rather short-lived. No way could Weaver's character have been in a 15 or 14 year affair with Klein. She seemed very annoyed with him and was obviously only using him for the sex. She found his character too clingy and was probably trying to slowly break it off.
I don't think the resemblance between Paul and Mikey is significant either. Mikey also looked just like his brother so is that one Kline's son too? Valid points are made on both sides, but I'm just more inclined to side with the people who've read the book. Besides I never had this notion while watching the film.
Elijah Wood's father's comment was a snide remark to Sigourny Weaver's character. He sarcastically says Ellijah gets his bad traits from him (meaning really Signourny).
Good arguements..I'm going to read the book and watch the DVD again. sleepx2's comment about the dad making a fecicious comment about his son takes after him..but really means Signorney..is a valid point.
Curious about your opinion though, how did Sig not mind Ricci making out with the younger son, but freaked a little about her making out with Elijah?
One thing I do want to clairify (if my theory were to be right) is that I don't think Sig and Kline's affair has been ongoing for 15 years. I thought perhaps they'd cheated very early on, Sig didn't want much to do with him, but would have it off with him only when it was convenient for her..even 15 years later.