I actually feel sorry for all these people
The ice storm hits a nerve with a lot of people because the personalities of each character is within each of us. Elena and Ben married during the 1950s when women stayed at home and father worked. Elena's behavior in the film is a result of her awakening that she is being taken for granted and angry of what she allowed herself to become. I believe Ben loves his children for example he shows his love when he tries to communicate with Wendy during their walk home. Ben represents the male of the 1950s when he really cannot express his feelings because it would make him feel weak. Though I think Ben has fallen out of Love Elena but cannot be honest about it. Jim and Janie the same situation that ben and Elena find themselves. The Death of Mikey at the end of the film I think is symbolic of the death of lies. This is what happens when we try to live the lives of false myths-1950s family model