Most awkward moment in the key party.
The key party itself is full of drama and twist, there are all kinds of embarrassment,
hardly anyone is comfortable. But the most awkward moment must be when Maria Conrad
picks the key. She brings her son to the key party, and her son, sitting at the opposite
side, in theory is among whom she might pick. Even just a possibility is horrible enough,
but she comes first and bravely puts her hand into the pot with her eyes closing, not worrying
any avoidance! Look at how complex her son Neil Conrad's facial expression is at that moment
and what a relief when she picks someone esle. The son eventually goes away with Sigourney
Weaver's character Janey Carver, as he perhaps wishes.
Somehow I think the relationship between Maria and Neil is a tricky one. It does not look
like incestuous but is definitely not usual, the reason being Neil, although in relief, stares
at the guy Maria picks with a sort of hostility. The movie does not give more into them. This
is merely one small side of the facets anyway.