Don't know that I'd call American Beauty cynical. Obviously any intelligently written film about middle class suburban life is going to appear at least a little cynical (it would be pretty artistically dishonest not to pretend there's at least some problems with "suburban life"), but ultimately I think American Beauty stands apart from most other films mentioned on this forum in that it's bold enough to also celebrate suburban life (without trying to "peddle the American Dream"). Lester is an incredibly hopeful character, and even the ending, thanks to the brilliantly scripted voice over, gives it's audience a rather unwavering optimism. Thus, I'd call it kindly satirical of people's universal flaws rather than ultimately cynical. Same with Payne's work (although I've not seen Citizen Ruth, so I can't comment on that one!).
Anyway, in the spirit of the board, here are mine:
1. Little Children
2. Irreversible (for it's glorious false happy ending)
3. Vivre Se Vie
4. Rosetta
5. There Will Be Blood