White People The Movie
From the outside looking in, the fact that so many white people relate to this movie is kind of disturbing. Certainly explains all the mass shootings lately.
Now look, I don't hate movies solely about white people and their problems, or movies that deconstruct the "typical" American nuclear family. I love American Beauty. But that movie was great for finding a universal truth. The message of this film, on the other hand? I feel left out. I can't understand why people with so much are so sad and lonely, not to mention self-absorbed and self-destructive. It's certainly not explained in the film, yet you guys seem to understand it intrinsically.
I won't call it pretentious just because I cannot relate to anyone or understand the absurdity of their actions because clearly, it's tapped into something. What is that something?
What is it about being well-off and white that makes you feel bored, depressed, and disconnected, and then take life for granted and use people or hurt them? What's the deal?