MovieChat Forums > Home Alone 3 (1997) Discussion > salutes to the first 2 home alones

salutes to the first 2 home alones

aside from the "DUMB CRIMINAL MASTERMINDS" oxymoron there....there are a few thing in home alone 3 that were in the 1st 2 such as the brother having that gay spiky hair thing and having a nude picture of a girl in his room, and his red head and quite attractive mom. if theres anymore you remeber just put them down


The women screaming when their was a rat on the criminal which replaced with a spider then gettining hit by a stick.


There's one in the quotes section at imdb: "I had the chicken pox when Herbert Hoover was in the White House."-Mrs. Hess. Remember when Rob Schneider in HA2 said, "You know, Herbert Hoover once stayed on this floor." Notice "Herbert Hoover".


all the characters are different


Well, in Home Alone 2, Marv gets electrocuted by the electric sink. In Home Alone 3, Mr. Jernigan gets electrocuted by the electric chair outdoors and at the same time, Mr. Unger gets electrocuted by the electric wires which seem fake at first but are really plugged into a nearby wall outlet on the outside of the house. So the electric shocks were in 2 and 3 both.


Also, there are some rather brutal things in all 3 of the first three Home Alone movies that could have easily killed the bad guys if it happened in real life. Remember, of course, they're just movies.

Anyway, here they are:

Home Alone 1 - Marv gets hit by an iron that falls down the laundry chute from two stories above.

Home Alone 2 - Marv gets hit by several bricks that Kevin throws at him from the rooftop which is a good three or four stories above.

Home Alone 3 - Mr. Unger and Mr. Beaupre get hit by two different objects that fall on them from out of the attic window, which is a good three stories above. First is the bookcase and just a couple of minutes or so later, the set of weights falls on both of them as well.



When the spider lands on Marv in the first one and Harry hits him with the crowbar, and in the 3rd one where the rat is in the guys private area and the lady hits him in that area


There's lots of salutes/tributes.

Both Alex and Kevin live in a Chicago suburb.
Both have older siblings that are cruel at first.
Both on streets named after presidents (Lincoln, Washington).
Both have scenes featuring the main terminal at O'Hare Airport in Chicago.
Every movie has a person that's either cold to Alex/Kevin at first, or Alex/Kevin are afraid of.
Home Alone - Old Man Marley
Home Alone 2 - Pigeon Lady
Home Alone 3 - Ms Hess
Both Kevin and Alex use the TV as a means of scaring off the burglars.
They both use voice changing methods (Talkboy, Parrot)

There's also a formula for the traps segment as well. If you watch closely, all three films have the same trap set up. Usually there's a "trap intro", for example.
Home Alone - the BB gun
Home Alone 2 - the bricks
Home Alone 3 - the dog whistle
Then the burglars become seperated for their individual traps, and then they come together.
In the first and third movie, there's scenes in which one crook tries to hit an animal off of another (tarantula, mouse).
And finally, there's usually a big epic trap at the end, for example,
Home Alone - the treehouse rope
Home Alone 2 - the kerosene rope
Home Alone 3 - the pool/dumbwaiter


Kevin got captured twice by Harry and Marv. Alex got captured by one of the guys but he scares him off with his fake gun. Kevin always had to be rescued.
The first one, it was Bob Marley, the second one, it was the pigeon lady.
