MovieChat Forums > Home Alone 3 (1997) Discussion > A really stupid question SPOILER

A really stupid question SPOILER

Why would Mr. Jernigan sit down in a metal chair, outside in the winter, while they were trying to get into the house? I mean, that chair must have been freezing cold. I know, if he had not sat down, he would not have gotten electrocuted. It just seems to me, there was no reason for him to sit down there and then.

Or did he say to himself: "I think I'll just have a rest in this freezing chair"?


Maybe the chair wasn't cold. For me, the real kicker was why didn't he freeze over when he got hit with the sprinklers, like when he and Unger fell in the swimming pool.


It always bothered me the lack of blood. Even in the Early movies. You get hit in the face with a can of paint, you're going to bleed.



It still bugs me. Even if the chair was not cold. Even if the movie had been set in the summer, why would Jernigan sit down right there and then. They wanted to get into the house, why would he take a rest?


With movies like this one you have to push willing suspension of disbelief to its utmost limits. Why did the dumb-bads think Alex had leapt onto the trampoline when its surface was devoid of tracks? Why would the chief dumb-bad mistake a plastic toy gun for his own heavy metal one? Why did the parrot ride to the igloo on the toy car that we saw the chief destroy only a few minutes earlier? How could the parrot so accurately manipulate the car's controls and so helpfully ignite the firecrackers, speaking appropriately provocative dialogue all the while? Ask questions like this and you damage your appreciation of the film. Just sit back and enjoy the silliness :-)


A stupid question in the forum discussing a stupid movie.

Rather apt really.


I thought the point of this forum was to discuss movies.
These really are some good points
Anyway the movie was fine


...and a stupid reply from a stupid person.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.


He was told too by the movie script. ^_^


yer in real life there wold be blood but these are children's films remember! it's not meant to be 100% realistic, its just a nice little family film. don't analyse it so much!


Wasn't Marv also electrocuted in number two?
