MovieChat Forums > Home Alone 3 (1997) Discussion > Nostalgia Critic reviews Home Alone 3 an...

Nostalgia Critic reviews Home Alone 3 and suffers. (Official TGWTG link will be posted hopefully later.)

If you ask me, the little kid is the one true terrorist in this movie.

The spies are more or less henchmen than spies, falling prey to the traps that aren't exactly unrealistic, just hard to imagine that a child had the time and smarts to do it. I haven't seen any of the other Home Alones apart from parts of the first on TV, but I just know that this has to be a pale comparison to the earlier Culkin vehicles.

That Rear Window gag was timed perfectly.

Now I have three sequels. Ho ho ho.


This film makes the first two Home Alone films look like American film classics. The first one was good but only for nostalgic reasons and Christmas time while the second one wasn't that good. The third film looks like it should have been in direct-to-video. What was Roger Ebert thinking when he gave a positive review to this piece of cinematic *beep*

By the way, the film was directed by Raja "Scooby Doo and other family film drivel" Gosnell so that goes to show you that it was bad from start to finish.

I'm glad that the Nostalgia Critic ripped that movie to shreads.

SuperNostalgicBrother website:


why is it online so early?

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?


Like I said in Flubber, it wasn't THAT bad also. More of a stand alone, and Alex to his credit is way smarter then Kevin, no offense. Sh-t parenting agreed, and that lawnmower gag was very dark.

Proud member of the House of Zod


I'm assuming he uploads them to before he actually posts it on his main site, or as somebody else pointed out, they uploaded it early because they're working on some 2 year anniversary stuff for his review the first week of May. But anyhow, as for the Home Alone 3 review...

I think John Hughes definitely lost his touch somewhere in the early to mid-90's. Home Alone 2 wasn't actually that bad, but for them to make TWO MORE sequels is just ridiculous. I'm not sure if John Hughes had anything to do with Home Alone 4, but it's possible that he was merely credited for the creation of the characters and nothing more.

When I heard the idea of a Home Alone 3 being made sometime before it's actual release, I thought to myself, "How in the hell are they going to manage to leave Kevin McCallister at home when the actor, Macaulay Culkin, is practically an adult?" Then I saw the trailer and, my God, there wasn't a single freakin' original actor from the previous two Home Alone movies, plus there's a new set of characters.

So out of pure curiosity, I rented it. And for about the first minute of the film when the intro appeared, it felt like a genuine Home Alone movie. Then it cut to some scene in Hong Kong with some terrorists coming up with a devious plan to do God know's what. It was at that moment that I realized this wasn't going to be anything like the previous two films.

If anything, they should've changed the title of the film to something like "Alone At Home" to distinguish it from the other Home Alone films. But I assume they just slapped the name on there so that they could cash in on it.

I don't think that the NC will make a standalone review of Home Alone 4 since it was made in 2002, but it pretty much speaks for itself, seeing as how it was direct-to-video. If the 3rd one was God awful, then the 4th one with the same characters as the original two, but different actors, will surely be even worse.

Let's just hope this is the end for the Home Alone series and that a 5th or a remake, for that matter, will never happen.



it's definitely bizarre how John Hughes went from being excellent to crap, I wonder why?

for years I kept hoping that one day he would make a comeback, but that's impossible now of course

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?


He attempted a comeback two years ago with Drillbit Taylor, but it turned out to be a flop :-(

SuperNostalgicBrother website:


I was shocked to see him review this, I loved it as a kid, and even as an adult, I still think it's an entertaining movie, and I like it better than the first 2. 4 is junk, of course.


You liked Home Alone 3?

I guess you and Ebert are the only ones.

SuperNostalgicBrother website:


I agree with you cinostr the Nostalgia Critic review sucked it was one of his worst.


Are you kidding me? This was one of his funniest reviews in a while.


The Nostalgia critic sucks period, hes not funny and he tries way too hard and fails every single time to make people laugh and who the hell cares what he thinks about any movie? Think for yourselves instead of jumping on a damn band wagon. "Well everyone else hates this movie so I have to too"..that's so sad, but hey if you like forced humor and guys who like a 14 year old living in his own world then be my guests..just had to be honest...he sucks and you all know it


I gave this review 2/5 on the website. Doug seems to be going through the motions which gives me no happiness in saying, as I've been a fan since 2007 ; back when he was still battling YouTube!

I more or less left this same comment on the actual review page...

but it doesn't feel like Doug's heart and soul has been in it, these days.

back when he first started The Nostalgia Critic reviews (like the Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat ones, but even some later reviews), it felt like he had more of a personal axe to grind with the films. He probably saw them when they came out and was wildly anticipating them, so it really hurt when they turned out to be disapointments...

in the case of something like Home Alone 3, the anger feels less genuine and just, because it's highly doubtful that Doug looks back on this film with any kind of fondness. Hell, it's debatable he even saw the film, before reviewing it! (he would have been in his mid-teens in 1997, so I doubt he really wanted to watch this at that age... I could be wrong, ofcourse).

Like I said, it gives me no pleasure to say this ; but he is starting to lose steam. The only review of his I've really loved in the past six months, was the Lost in Space review. You can imagine a fifthteen year old Doug going to see that on opening weekend and being deflated by how crappy it was (I must confess to liking it at the time, in the realms of an overblown, FX fest... but it dated very quickly). He genuinely put some scathing effot into that one

You wanna make love to me, because I drive a monster and wear this costume?


How anyone above the age of 5 can like Home Alone 3, is beyond my understanding.
It cannot be compared to the first 2.

1. It was shameless for the creators to call it "Home Alone 3" when it has NOTHING to do with the previous 2 installments. It is not a sequel by any means. Maybe they could have called it Home Alone: Alex Story or something stupid like that. But for them to name it like a true sequel is plain retarded.

2. HA1 and even HA2 were written well and ably performed by a robust cast. Joe Pesci, Macaulay Culkin, Daniel Stern, John Heard, John Candy!, Tim Curry, Catherine O'Hara, and a bunch of interesting no-name actors. Even Rob Schneider outshines the cast of HA3.

"They are still wearing primitive garb such as the baseball cap, what savages"


It was just entertaining. Home Alone 4 is far worse. of course, that was already on Shameful Sequels.


no new video this week because he "lost his voice"

good lord, because I watched the Home Alone 3 video early and because of this it'll have been 3 weeks till I see a new NC video, I'm going through withdrawals!

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?


He lost his voice? FAN-TASTIC. I'm sorry, but I can't stand his obnoxious voice and I love Gilbert Gottfried.


Having an obnoxious voice is better than being an obnoxious douchebag like you.



I think we can all agree on one thing, whether you liked the movie or hated it. HA3 is God compared to Home Alone 4.

I wonder one thing though. If Kevin and Alex were in a fight to the death situation, who'd come out on top?

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)


I always have liked this movie, I was one of the minority but hell I don't care. The first three are enjoyable, the 4th one is just pathetic.

As for the reviews, it is one of my favorite ones. As for the hater of the NC, get over it, whining about him won't stop him, he was a lot more fans than haters


I would say it is yet another solid review from the Nostalgia Critic, but I have to disagree in that it was a bad movie. When I first saw it, I found it to be legitimately funny.
--- pg


I liked Doug's review. Not his best, but still enjoyed it, but whatever, that's me.
