MovieChat Forums > Hercules (1997) Discussion > What do Greeks want to see?

What do Greeks want to see?

I've been researching the myths and history of ancient Greece for a few months now, and I'm interested in knowing what the Greek people would have hoped to have seen considering that Disney's attempt was met with revulsion by Greece.,3065624&hl=en
"This is another case of foreigners distorting our history and culture just to suit their commercial interests," said Adsmevtos Typos

I'm curious as to what Greece thinks of the legendary Heracles. Do they consider him a "good guy"? A cultural icon still held with reverence?

Do you think we could have had a more accurate adaptation with family friendly exclusions of homicide? Maybe a version with a straight forward sequence of the 12 labours, culminating in some climactic tussle with Cerberus? Should anything have been changed for sake of censorship? Heracles is a myth filled with taboos, one of them being that he was the product of an adulterous conception, which a mainstream American animation studio aimed at making children's film would never touch (ever, I think). If Heracles was ever close to being done right, a lot of ordinary, presumptuous people would presume that it was an obscene mockery of "Hercules (1997)".


I have no idea what the Greeks wanted from Disney. Surely they never expected them to show us that Zeus was a sex addict, or indeed that Hercules was turned mad and killed his own children?

Intelligence and purity.


What do Greeks want to see? A working economy.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.




I'm Greek and I can tell you this is not entirely accurate. While I'm sure some people complained there were several other greeks who liked the film.

The media makes it seem like a few Greeks' opinion is the opinion of ALL Greeks.


That's good to know. I do think the Greek officials mentioned in the newspaper article came off too hard on a film that was intended to be a comedy. Again, thanks for sharing.

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.
