Where is this?

I can't find it anywhere, In Canada or in the states (Washington State) HMV, Best Buy, Future Shop, etc.

What store did you guys buy this from? I refuse to use Amazon since they've screwed me on two seperate occasions.

Please do not interupt me when I am asking rehtorical questions!


My parents got this for me for me birthday from Buy.com. It just came in today...very exciting


Since Amazon is out of the question, try eBay or Half.com, under the title "Hard Eight" as it is most commomly known.


"You learn from the best...and the worst." - Uncle Jay, 9/14/94





I found it in a used DVD store for $10.99 and quickly snatched it up this past weekend, since it IS so hard to find in a store.

I've also seen it in Circuit City before.

"...you oughta know what you're gonna get in me/ just a little touch of star quality"


go to cdquest.com i got a copy there but it was like $17,ships in 2 days and
worth every cent :)


Last seen film:
The French Connection (1971) by William Friedkin 9/10


yeah, I got my copy at Borders. They tend to have hard to find movies in store. It was $14.99; they have similar pricing to other stores.
