MovieChat Forums > Great Expectations (1998) Discussion > How is Anne Bancroft in this?

How is Anne Bancroft in this?

Just curious. How was her performance?

- I can't feel a thing from my head down to my toes.


Spectacular! Really. It's some of her best work. She just relishes the character.


She really sold the batty recluse. You can tell she based her character on the Grey Gardens ladies.

As usual, you could tell Anne Bancroft was having a ball, which makes you get into her characters even more.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


CHICK-A-BOOM! :) She's amazing.


Brilliant, as always!

Music Eternal


Anne Bancroft, not only due to her obvious years of experience in comparison to Gwyneth and Ethan, has this innate talent that I'm positive most actors would only dream of. I almost cried when I found out she passed away...:(


Me too :(

I came to know her trhought this movie...I was overwhelmed by her performance and the character. She is superb.
She deserved her las oscar nomination for this role, I mean it!


um she was in it because the casting director wanted here there? It's really not that difficult of a concept to understand O_____________O

Hay un amigo en mi




i actually did not like this portrayal of Miss Havisham so much or how it was written, it was too jolly, overly camp and lacked the darkness the book had. Gillian Anderson nailed it much better in her portroyal in the ITV adaption and was much more suttle in her performance.
